idk man im using bag seed and im seriously considerin pullin that shit and planting my northern lights, shits been in flower for as long as alot of people on this site and its about a quarter of the size of the rest i c2 months in.... it's natural.
They'll continue to turn over time. Can take time still from the first pistels turning... just because you see em turning doesn't mean its near ready, could be another month or more.. this depends on the strain.
Knowing when they are ready is a combination of things... pistells being only 1... check tric colour too.
Sounds to me like it's all normal... it's just a waiting game.. sure they'll fatten out soon.
thanx man appreciat tha knowledge, love tha avatar lolPistil color has almost nothing to do with them being done. Pistils constantly change color from the first day they appear to the day you chop. The only real way to tell is the trichomes. I have red/orange pistils a week into flower, but I know it's not ready. Pay little to no attention to them to truly gauge your plants, they mean next to nothing, except for appearance.
not yet, two 23 watt and one 42 watt cfl, gettin a hps in a couple weeks, definilty for the northern lights, jus germed tha seed so itll b startin soonyou using HPS jquick?
yea its not from a seed bank its from literally the best weed iver ever had, and ive had some good shit, bought a O got down to the last eight was rollin a blunt then a fucking huge seed popped out, i was like FUCK YEA!!! jus got an ounce of juicy fruit last night to, i inspected each bud just to c if i could find a seed lol nothinnice I heard good thing about northern lights...good hardy strain! Gluck with it
i kno i wanna buy some more lights but ill b getin a HPS soon so i dont wanna waste my moneythats some very low wattage probably why your buds arent very big.
nah there twoards the top near tha middle, got plenty light there, i got the money for a couple new cfls but tht will jus prolong how long its gonna b till i get tha hpsdamn cuzzo, rob somebody for $20 and get some more warm cfls. Your buds are turning red because of it's lack of energy. there are more red pistils towards the bottom where there is less light, right? if so. then it just needs some more light.
nice I heard good thing about northern lights...good hardy strain! Gluck with it
im not growin northern lights yet, this ones bag seedIsn;t northern lights a very long plant meaning it takes a long time from start to finish i herd of guys growing it outdoor and was nov dec litteraly when they were done ???
i got recent pics of the plant on my phone right now i can put up but none of the red hairs yettake a pic of that when you can, It's most likely genetics if that's the case.
my bad no recent pics till tonitei got recent pics of the plant on my phone right now i can put up but none of the red hairs yet