RED SOX NATION..! (no yankees)

Dodger fans.....:cuss:
..heard about this on the news. I lived in LA for a time, Glendale to be specific so it doesn't surprise me. More shit-sniffers per mile than the national average on the left coast.

As I was writing this above I just got the alert that Willie McCovey of San Francisco Giants fame just passed away! ..that's a shame, I remember him playing (I'm old) :/ lived there too, on North Beach near the zoo. I liked sf a lot better than la, but Santa Barbara is the best of the west, beautiful place!
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It was a beautiful thing with the Mets series at Fenway towards the end of this season when all the Mets fans and Red Sox fans were chanting..

View attachment 4225127 unison, it brought a tear to my eye if I'm honest :clap:

Anyway too late; I was looking for Yankee fans to annoy at the beginning of the season, I kind of gave up (like the Yankees did after the All-Star break). The season is ova, see you in 19 when Sox will dominate again.
Lols 2nd best record. Gave up? I enjoyed the parade. Only boston clowns chuck beers at the managers head and break the trophy . Keep classy Boston.
Lols 2nd best record. Gave up? I enjoyed the parade. Only boston clowns chuck beers at the managers head and break the trophy . Keep classy Boston.
Well throwing beers to the players on the duckboats is of course highly encouraged, but it was unfortunate that the trophy was damaged, however I think it speaks well of the city that there wasn't an ensuing riot after said damage occurred. And like the team spokesman said: "we've got so many of 'em, forget about it" LOL okay I said that but it's just as true :mrgreen::hump:

Anyway I was going to wait till February to start posting Red Sox updates but this is big, Red Sox must keep Kimbrel..!

And we need some mid-inning relievers too. I don't see much movement in that Direction so far. Also in case you haven't heard Joe Kelly Fight Club is no more, and his 100+ mile an hour fastball will be missed

First Spring Training Game February 22nd, so we're getting there! :mrgreen:
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Thank God that pseudo sport, so-called "football" is over!

If only the local team would stop winning the traffic wouldn't be screwed up from those continual and annoying parades, but thankfully I don't have to be downtown today and around that debacle

The only good to come of this alleged championship "victory" (ask the folks of New Orleans what they think of it) is that finally this foolishness is over and it's closer to baseball season, and the sooner the real and legitimate sport of Baseball can start around here the better! Also fuck Rodger Goodell.
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