Red spider mites 2 days from harvest


Hello all. I am about 2 days away from harvest and while inspecting the buds with a microscope I noticed the small red spider mite. You cant see them without the microscope. I have only found a couple and try to pluck them off. What should I do with only a couple of days left? Should I just discard the buds with the mites and keep the rest. I have only seen 2. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
ASAP drug store hydrogen peroxide + a spray bottle. Hit them full strength (it's only 3%). Depending on how many watts you are blasting them with you may want to raise the light until it dries, but in most cases that is unnecessary


Ok will do as soon as I get home. Will they fall off after dead or will I have to pluck them to keep from smoking dried dead mites. Thanks


Well-Known Member
All hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is water with an extra oxygen molecule, BUT, what you find at drug stores has some preservative/buffers. If they concern you, you can give your girls a good rinse/spray, then gently shake off the excess and let dry under the lights