Red steams an leaf problem


Can someone tell me how to fix my steam issues, i over fed my plant to much nutes, next day i tryed flushing with water an then my leafs started going crisp an yellow, the upper steams are dark in red as showen but the lower is not as strong in red as top


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Any damage that cant be fixed with a good flush cant be fixed. Dont sweat the red stems its normal. Keep feeding them regularly. Let em grow they’ll be fine
Are you checking PH with a good PH pen? I ask because it looks like a P deficiency and that happens a lot when the Ph gets out of balance at the roots. Can be from over watering, big temp swings or other stuff but PH issues seem to be the main one.
I would somewhat agree with
Are you checking PH with a good PH pen? I ask because it looks like a P deficiency and that happens a lot when the Ph gets out of balance at the roots. Can be from over watering, big temp swings or other stuff but PH issues seem to be the main one.
I would somewhat agree with you on this as i have not checked my PH level, that is one thing i know i went wrong on. Regards to over watering, i do not think that would be an issue as ive been fine with this over the past few week, safe to say i can eliminate that. 6th week flowering, what a good balance for PH level please
For soil you need your water you feed to be around 6 to 6.8, for full on hydro it's like 5.5-6.2 if I am remembering right but i'd have to double check to be sure. I keep my hempy plants tight around 6-6.2 and they love that area. There is a great map of the primary and secondary nutrients and the PH range the plant best takes them up in online I used to have. I'll see if I can find it again and post it up here for you. Try to vary the ph a little in the 6 to 6.8 range when you feed as different nutrients are best taken up at different PH levels though and if you always give them a certain level you can run the risk of a lockout of certain nutes that are best taken up at the opposite end of the ph spectrum. Flushing without knowing the ph of the water you are using for sure and being able to check the runoff ph isn't going to do you much good other than rinsing out excess salts from over using fertilizers during the grow. As far along as you are now you are probably best off by just getting a good ph pen that also has a ppm meter so you can see the ppm of the nutes you are using and the runoff from your flushing. That will set you up to be in a good position for the next grow and to finish this grow with better control of the water ph and ppm of the nutes you are using.
Ok, here's a link to a pretty good image of most of the nutrients for marijuana and the range at what they are best used by the plant. Phosphorus does kind of need to get the ph bumped up more than some of the others as you can see on the list. Adding big doses on nutes lowers the ph by a big amount depending on what brand you are using. If the root PH is too low the plant just stops taking up certain nutes. Determining the actual rootzone PH and health is paramount at this point. Flushing with PROPERLY PH'D water to restore the proper PH balance to the rootzone is one way to help but at week six of flower I just don't know if it's the best idea. I might try ph testing my rootzone first or at least the runoff and if it's low which I suspect feed with 6.8 ph high P feed or even use a bloom booster at like half strength and keep your ppms down under 1000 since they are already looking stressed. I like to vary my feeds from 6.8 to 6.2 but that's just the way I do it using bottled RO water that starts out at 7ph an 7ppm.

Good luck with your plants

Good luck with your girls
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Just stop overfeeding and ride it out. Not much else you can do. Don't go crazy with flushing and trying to adjust pH runoff by dumping a bunch of water through it. Leave it alone, feed it less and let it finish. There's no quick fix for a plant at that stage of flowering and it's not worth the hassle screwing around for one small plant. It's not really going to make a difference in the end.

But you may want to verify your lighting schedule. That plant looks like it's starting to reveg.