Red Stem?


My baby plant has a red stem, it used to be kinda purple, just in a small part, but what does that mean? thx?


Could possibly just be the strain, Mine are this colour and are doing perfect into there 4th week of flowering.


Active Member
Could be strain, I have em. BUT! Might want to look into this... I heard (basically on a thread) that most strain purple color is found on the top of a horizontal branch / If its on the bottom its nutrient.

I posted that in the rumor thread too. lol
i have the same thing happening to me right now the stem was pure purple but now its turning nice and red they told me it might be strain but i have two of the same plants and the other stem is pure green


i have the same thing happening to me right now the stem was pure purple but now its turning nice and red they told me it might be strain but i have two of the same plants and the other stem is pure green
I am about to harvest in about a week or two. I have two to be harvested. Same strain(Blueberry), in fact they came from the same plant(seeds)! The stems have been different ever since the were seedlings! One purple, and one green. They both are doing just fine! I do believe I read somewhere that they turn purple when cold, but my two have never been more then a foot from each other there whole lives! So who's to know!
I am about to harvest in about a week or two. I have two to be harvested. Same strain(Blueberry), in fact they came from the same plant(seeds)! The stems have been different ever since the were seedlings! One purple, and one green. They both are doing just fine! I do believe I read somewhere that they turn purple when cold, but my two have never been more then a foot from each other there whole lives! So who's to know!
EXACTLY!! my pots are almost touching and i live in az?! its the summer here so i dono about cold... it will be a mystery to us till' then


Well-Known Member
My baby plant has a red stem, it used to be kinda purple, just in a small part, but what does that mean? thx?
How old is your plant ? because most/all plants when they are young have a red/purple stem, it should become green soon. Not sure how long should it take though, maybe a week ?


Well-Known Member
i'm inclined to say it's normal for the time being. some strains do exhibit purplish stems and are healthy. i have a bunch of blue widows (20) going atm, and only a handful have reddish stems. i attribute the stems to stress (cold a/c, and LST), and/or nutes. the 4 worst ones are starting to turn green again as i've adjusted/switched my nutrients & feeding schedule. keep an eye on them, cause the red stems CAN be an indicator of problems like a hot soil, or being root bound. usually, and i say that generally speaking, if it's reddening past the early stages of veg., you more than likely are going to have a problem.


Well-Known Member
My baby plant has a red stem, it used to be kinda purple, just in a small part, but what does that mean? thx?
There is nothing to worry about, many strains have purple to red stems or any combination inbetween. I have been reading many threads which attribute this to either cold, stress or a nute def., I tend to disagree with all the aforementioned reasons. Over the course of 40 plus years I have run into many many strains which are this color naturally. I am attaching a pic from last years grow which is purplish red and was since it sprouted, it was grown between the outside and the greenhouse where I kept it at night. This plant had no stress and it certainly didn't have any nute def, also wasn't cold at the time of this growing.
The main thing when growing your babies is to pay attention to plant leaves and not just the stems. As long as your leaves look healthy, a normal shade of green for the paticular strain you have nothing to worry about. Not all but the biggest majority of problems, stress, disease, nute def, etc. will first appear in the leaves. Insects are a different story and they can certainly appear in the stem and branches first. Hope this helps and Happy Growing.Linda 9-2 I.jpg


Well-Known Member
i don't think a majority of the problems will show in the leaves 1st. the stem transports the nutrients to the leaves. which means the stem will redden before any leaves show any signs on problems. many of the times i've noticed red stems on my plants, after the seedling stage, was because i was either short feeding, or overfeeding them. it wasn't until i got my ph right and the nutes were actually being used did the red stems slowly turn green. the pic ya posted looks like a cal/mag def. or more than likely a lockout from a low ph, which would cause the red stems. just my $0.02.


How old is your plant ? because most/all plants when they are young have a red/purple stem, it should become green soon. Not sure how long should it take though, maybe a week ?

Yeah it's very young.

Thanks for the help guys looks like she (i hope) is growing a few more leaves and looks good..

It's just bagseed so i'm suprised to see if it's an interesting strain with all the coloration, leaves are lighter than my other bagseed plants too tho.


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using? it looks thick. also, not to be nitpicky but it looks a bit leggy, ya might want to lower your lights a bit or get more of the 6500k spectrum in there. at 4 weeks they should be much larger, which is why i'm inclined to think it's a low ph. mine are less than 3 weeks with 5 sets of leaves. oh and 2 plants in 1 pot is not a good idea, they'll fight for food and light.


what kind of soil are you using? it looks thick. also, not to be nitpicky but it looks a bit leggy, ya might want to lower your lights a bit or get more of the 6500k spectrum in there. at 4 weeks they should be much larger, which is why i'm inclined to think it's a low ph. mine are less than 3 weeks with 5 sets of leaves. oh and 2 plants in 1 pot is not a good idea, they'll fight for food and light.

I figured once they got bigger i'd seperate them, I and I just have it outside it was earlier in the morning when I took the pics so it's pretty sunny out right now.

And the soil is a cheap organic soil I got at walmart. Ive posted before and bought a light apparently it was the wrong type. as you can see it's just a very smell personal op what lights do you recommend I get?


Well-Known Member
it all depends on your budget. you want at least a 100 REAL watts, not equivalent if using cfl's, for 1 plant and 50w for every plant after that. the bulb spectrum for veg should be daylight bulbs (6500k), for flowering soft white work well (2700k). once they start to become established they are harder to remove from the soil without damaging the roots. if left together the roots will become entangled and your yield will suffer because you'll have 2 plants fighting for every drop of water and food you give it. walmart soil sucks usually. i've saw people in other forums using a scotts brand soil with success, but cheap soils usually have time released ferts in them, which leads to a low ph, which means your plants aren't able to eat everything provided them in the soil. cal/mag gets locked out below 6.4. which is probably the cause of the red stem. get a good digital ph meter, you'll be glad you did.


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY!! my pots are almost touching and i live in az?! its the summer here so i dono about cold... it will be a mystery to us till' then

Would like to know how that grow made out...I'm thinking of growing blueberry. Pls let me see some pix or just a description is fine
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
not sure what it means but mine had the same thing, it was reddish at random parts, its a month and a half old now and it has random stripes or red/purple going down the main stem and random branches have red in them. my buddy says some of it is nutrients traveling through veins in the plant. Also some red parts turned back green and vice versa