red stems on fan leaves??


Well-Known Member
ok it can be a strain thing if the plants are healty or trait you know in the strain than np. but it can be a sing of stress og a mag deficient and or p deficient
if you could take you plant away from youre grow lights and take a better pic ill help all i can and make sure its if all the plant. i just carnt tell whats going under the clfs. also its looks like an hydrid carnt tell wich is dominate maybee satvia. but youre gap between youre nodes and internodes looks streched
also any other info will help. nutes ph ect


Active Member
strain is moby dick (bag seed)im using bio bloom NPK 2-6-3.5 ...bottled water with a ph of 7.18 also its in my attic and the last couple of nights have been very cold i am hopping that is the problem....... is this picture any better?DSC03030.jpgDSC03040.jpgDSC03043.jpgDSC03046.jpgDSC03050.jpg


Well-Known Member
Red stems is a sign of K(potassium deficiency). I googled it for you and found this in several other chat forums. You might want to read up a little, I am not familiar with it at all not trying to mislead you but there is a lot of info on it that I found.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
i can see whats going on now. nice job.
ye its could be down to youre low temps. rember to low temps ake it hard for k to move freely round youre plant like its needs to for poover all health. this could also give signs of stress i.e red stems. also whats youre soils ph bufferd at. cause ph of 7 is high and will lock out mag. but in soil if youre siol if bufferd to the correct ph it will coorect this for you. if not it could be signs of a start of a mag diff from the high ph as youre nutes are solid
but id adjust them night temps. in veg i keep mine obove 65(72 to be spoton) with np and above 50 in flowering with np. i have droped to 52 in flowering during the night with no bad side effect. but try to keep in range and take it ffrom there. let me know how it goes im always here to help


Active Member
i dont know what ph my soil mix is man , will it tell me on the outside of the bag? and could you suggest some way for me to keep my temps up at night please. i have an electric fan there but it drains the the electiric or is there any type of spectrum that would not interfere with the flowering when the lights are off?


Active Member
i grow in soil wae a ph of 6.5 if you look at most ph charts thats what they say for soil, i think thats whats wrong low temps at night are ok (it gets below freezing in the desert and the weed loves it)