Red Veins On Stem


Well-Known Member
What's up y'all,

I was checking on my babies today when I noticed what seemed to look like red veins on the stem. I included a picture with arrows point to the " red veins " I am talking about. Is this normal? Is there anything I should be concerned about? Is so what can I do to fix ?



Well-Known Member
Is that too much potassium? Ive seen that and some burnt leaves like yours on mine with red stems and just realised I had been using too much potassium.


Well-Known Member
Is that too much potassium? Ive seen that and some burnt leaves like yours on mine with red stems and just realised I had been using too much potassium.
Hard to say ... This is my first try so I'm not sure. I haven't given it anything other than water.


Well-Known Member
If that's all you notice I wouldn't do anything yet, my stems turned purple in some spots and I'm A ok so far


Well-Known Member
it could also be from cold temps, cold water temp, overwatering, mag deficiency, transplant shock, poor PH, UV light on LEDs etc. or just genetics. dont sweat it unless you start seeing other symptoms. really cold water can purple stems basically overnight


Well-Known Member
Iv always had this... my mentor whom grandchildren girls i still grow, never had it... used same nute line... i tried all sorts of shit to fend it off, and read n read n read on it... after multiple grows w great harvest in both quality and quantity i cried uncle. Iv never had my gg4 not do that...i honestly would shrug and keep growing. When i started having this i didnt have led, all cfl first grow, second and on cmh veg hps flower (now hps, led, t5 uv in flower)

I read all sorts of deficiencies it was supposed to be... didnt ever respond trying any adjustments...just my $0.02


Active Member
IMG_4215.JPG Hi guys I think this is potassium deficiency with red stems on fan leaves and the obvious damage but thought I'd double check any help would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much about the red stem, but the edge of your leafs don't look like nutrient burn could be a potassium deficiency. It's really young for that, I'd probably look at your ph first though. Someone more knowledgeable will come and help. You might want to start your own thread though.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry too much about the red stem, but the edge of your leafs don't look like nutrient burn could be a potassium deficiency. It's really young for that, I'd probably look at your ph first though. Someone more knowledgeable will come and help. You might want to start your own thread though.
I doubled up on nutes and cal mag for the love of me I can't remember why for a feed going to use just clean ph'd water on the next one hope it sorts it out..


Well-Known Member
Definitely, needs potassium, I would give it a mild foliar feed with MKP if you don't have just potassium on hand.

Potassium can be used up in as little as 3 days.


Well-Known Member
I doubled up on nutes and cal mag for the love of me I can't remember why for a feed going to use just clean ph'd water on the next one hope it sorts it out..
Ya my man I hate to say but the doubling up was a bad call in my opinion. Truthfully at the age those plants are in they don't need to be doubled up even if you missed a feeding. In my experience all that does is over load the nutes which in turn will give you a problem, in your case " potassium deficiency ". Extreamly important to give the correct pH level ' 6.7 is perfect. My personal opinion is to not give any nutes but seaweed extract & correctly pH'd water. Do that for a 2 weeks and you should be right back to good health. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I feed about a tsp per gallon of botanicare....i dont measure anymore though....its about 200ppm worth in a 5 gallon bucket.

In your case, you dont look calcium deficient...thats what you use calmag for. If you are mag deficient, use epsom salts....put a heaping tablespoon in a sprayer of a gallon of water and go foliar feed them...mag will be much more readily available. Do that weekly till the stems go back to green. If you prefer bottled liquid thats 20x more expensive....botanicare sweet is the same thing + sugar.