Grape Lime RIcky is another new TGA strainI keep growing new ones every week. I love the smell and look. These two phenos are amazing. It's tied for best TGA strain in my option currently.New to come out with Jazz Go Girl which is a similar version to the Go Time that is either crossed with Go Time or Norton or JOG and or querkle and space queen/c99. , also strawberry daiquiri and who....The Grape Lime Ricky has turned into my fav along with 9 pound Hammer at this point with the Orange skunk Phenos and lime Chernobyl and Go Times grape and alchemy grape diesel.... There's a TGA nursery and rep out in south California if your located out here.... Wish I could get some Red eyed genetics along with dungeon vault, cannarodo seeds. I can only find them online with in certain sites that look the same and offer the same set of breeders. I wanted to get the humble pie,red velvet , grandpas breath f2, Grapist f1, my rainers and locktite , trade bait cookies, big sour 4 Quattro cookies.... Do most through online companies? Or any nurseries or direct collectives and breeders?