Redeyedfrogs Aussie outdoor 2018 grow

dont no who u are getting off in W.A but we are getting some awesome shit and i have awesome shit aswell u live bunbury way that will answer alot lol btw your plants would not contain any thc if it does its fuck all mate lol
we got a half off a dude out the front of the old hungrys in freo 4 days ago 130 and it was yum
I just had a really soapy tasting ½oz.. looked like skunk, heavy head feeling , rather shitty . So yeah I agree. My leaf has been better than some buds I've been getting in WA.. ppl trying to pass off "flyspray" skunks as lemon sorbet and shit .. its great to c their reaction when u question breeders and phenos ,,, they look dumbfounded.haja it's great
go hang out in front of joint venture