Reduced yield from fem seeds?


Well-Known Member
ive never heard anyone say that before. as far as i know the biggest downside to fems is a higher prob of hermie. less yield is new to me....

maybe on the new autoflower fems? no idea


Well-Known Member
There is not a lost in yield or a higher probability of Hermies. I have been growing feminized seeds only for 3 years now and I have had only one hermie and that just came from an auto fem seed.
i used both when i first started i used regular seeds now all i use is femenized there is nothing better than i think saves space n everything n u no is most likly a female or a hermie lol only had 2 of those so far but if its jus a lil hermie i pic of the pollen sacks


Active Member
how many seeds would you reccomend germinating to establish a good plant to clone from? Could I take 12-20 clones from a single established plant or should I take from at least 2 plants? I'd think taking from one good mother would be more consistent gene wise.

Good to know you guys have had good luck. I want to keep my first grow as simple as possible. Only downside to fems is less variety of strains.


Well-Known Member
Yes buying fems gives you less of a selection.

I would say you if you veg 2 mothers for 2 months then clone the bottom 10 off each mother, that would keep you going for some time.