Reefer Business Entrepreneurs


New Member
The Reefer Movement in the U.S. is the final frontier for talented entrepreneurs to start new businesses quickly. The window of opportunity is wide open! Get in before the corporations do.... I truly believe that marijuana related businesses are the last free enterprise we will see in our lifetime.
I created this thread to discuss many different types of Marijuana related businesses and to provide input in order to help each other out. When I worked at Apple I noticed that when a group of creative thinkers that all share a similar passion get together and talk in a open forum, business innovation naturally occurs. I made this forum so everyone has an opportunity to have that "Light bulb turing on" moment. With everyone's participation new and innovative ideas will be conceived.
How do dispensaries track their inventory? What type of software? How do you guys track your inventory, sales, profit margins, cost of supplies, grow period time lines etc.? Any software?
I'm wicked smart with software on the back and front end of business.... I don't know a shit about growth optimization or growth patterns. I do know how to track and document it though.
I think I deleted my entire post by accident. Great question Zipz. Great Stuff. I am right there with you. My friend and I are both entrepreneurs looking to get our foot in the door. We have collectively saved $65,000.
Here's the frustrating part man..... I CAN'T EVEN FIGURE OUT THE BUSINESS MODEL BECAUSE IM NOT THERE... Like to the marijuana shops buy wholesale from growers OR do the marijuana shops have aggreements with growers to allow growers to market their marijuana and whatever sells, the marijuana shop gets a percentage????
1. How much time and money does the licensing cost?
2. Is the market saturated?
3. What type of zoning restriction do marijuana shops have? Has to be zoned has retail, right?
4. What type of monthly rent will i be charge from landlord?
5. IS OPENING A MARIJUANA SHOP EVEN THE RIGHT APPROACH for my opportunity cost or is there a different segment of the industry that is less developed?

I was originally thinking software for the marijuana shops and for the growers but oldschooltofu seems to know a hell of a lot more than I do and he said that dispensary companies are already being traded publicly? I drafted about 10 very detailed business plans for different business and out the 10, I followed through with 4, and of the 4, 1 has been profitable.... It's a badass company and really fun because all my friends run it with me. BUT BACK TO THIS EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING BUSINESS MODEL. I'm fuckin lost.... I can't find the info. Maybe there is a Marijuana business blog? I have no idea.
Bro, spend about 1 month reading all the laws and tax codes in the states of Colorado and Washington St.
You will learn a lot and then you will begin to understand the amounts of red tape that is involved. Fuck the gold, sell the shovels. Let others be the ones to waste their life savings on a crapshoot. All goldminers need shovels though.
The Reefer Movement in the U.S. is the final frontier for talented entrepreneurs to start new businesses quickly. The window of opportunity is wide open! Get in before the corporations do.... I truly believe that marijuana related businesses are the last free enterprise we will see in our lifetime.
I created this thread to discuss many different types of Marijuana related businesses and to provide input in order to help each other out. When I worked at Apple I noticed that when a group of creative thinkers that all share a similar passion get together and talk in a open forum, business innovation naturally occurs. I made this forum so everyone has an opportunity to have that "Light bulb turing on" moment. With everyone's participation new and innovative ideas will be conceived.

Where did you sell apples?
From a street stall kiosk
or did you drive round in a truck?
I'm wicked smart with software on the back and front end of business.... I don't know a shit about growth optimization or growth patterns. I do know how to track and document it though.

I've been growing and selling smoke for years and I don't know how i'd cope without software
Playing Grand Theft Auto whilst waiting for the next customer to ring the doorbell is an essential aspect of my business model.

And, BTW, you're coming over as a bit of a charlatan.
Name dropping APPLE and all that stuff....
Seems a bit like an amateur attempt to rope folk into some short con...
Just saying.
I would say get ahold of a good mmj attorney and they could answer all your questions. That's what I did in Cali a while back.
hey everyone, I would listen to althor, he provides good advice in his post...While the MJ and MMJ industry is in its infancy and there is def. opportunity to start something good, IMO shit is to young and its to early to get involved in what I see as a potential crapshoot at best...CA made MMJ legal in i think 95 or 96 and i am pretty sure even up until this very day the federal govt, the fbi, atf and other federal officials are tearing business' down, stealing their capital (money) and seizing assets...personally...If i invested 80 to 150,000$ in a business for it all to be taken away as ''evidence'' and seized by the feds for their own benefit im not quite sure what i would do, but it would most likely involve a close and a short rope with a noose....dont let the US government take your shit....this type of shit is literally in its infancy...sit back awhile...let the millionaires test the waters first...when you can see the feds are finally laying back and not attacking marijuana related business', THEN it would be the time to get in, and while yea. right now if you threw tons of money at it and it did work you could potential get very rich and even be a millionaire, you could also have everything taken away and seized from you and become homeless....if you waited until the right opportunity, there is alot less of a chance your investments and capitol will be legally stolen and while you might not make as much when that time comes, theres still a very good chance you can live comfortable doing it, making alot of money and do something that you this is just my opinion. im not an no lawyer or anything even close. im nothing but an objectionable on-looker and witness...I would love to do some of the very things you want to do and are talking about. But to be honest, I would also love to not have all my money and assets seized by the feds cause if they are, kiss them goodbye, they are gone and most likely forever...your entire life savings and something that you worked potentially decades for could be spent on k-9 units, bullet proof vests, trucks and PC vehicles...while you live in the street under a bridge huddled up next to a burning barrel to keep warm...good luck friend, i am not saying all this to insult you, put you down, discourage you or tell you that you cant or shouldnt do it...I am saying these things because I would love to see people like you, and me for that matter succeed...I dont want to see this industry taken over by big business and corportations like marlboro and lorillard and co...Personally,I KNOW i can grow better than big corporations or businesses can. I am confident in my growing skills, whether that means right now or ten years down the line. ill prob. be even better by then. What im saying is. I know I can produce a better product than alot of people, and especially someone running a huge corporation. I know this because in order to do and make the amount of product and money that they'll surely want to make, you will not be able to truly care for, manage, breed, grow, harvest, cure, and market your product like I would be able to myself....and if you couild they would need to hire a LOT of people that are very skilled and could do these sorts of things. Again, I want to re-iterate...I am by NO means a marijuana expert or some type of super growing guru...I am just a lonely middle aged dude that LOVES and has a really true and legitimate passion for growing and caring for marijuana...I love growing it...I love taking care of it. I like breeding it, harvesting it and curing it...

I personally love growing and caring for my marijuana plants more than actaully smoking the marijuana and marijuana related products...but thats just me. whatever you decide to do, I ask that you be careful, be safe, have a plan and dont put all your eggs in one basket. make sure you know what your doing before you start doing it and make sure its something that you really want to do and remember by doing so you are risking a federal jail sentence that could result in a very very long time in jail for you...never forget that...make sure that you sit down and look at yourself in the mirror and really KNOW that thats what you want, and love to only get one life...and sometimes you only get one opportunity to make stuff like this succeed, use your time, chances and money wisely...good luck

peace :peace:
well put. I'm not sure I agree. However you seem like a more prudent person than I and that's probably better. I'm really excited to see how this summers vote in AK will change the MMJ scene.
We all need to fall back on the black market!! There are way too many fuckers with there hands out these days including our own worthless government. For years those suits took as many of us as they could to jail for a relatively victimless crime . Now there are partners in the business and will gladly take there 35% to 50% without lifting a finger if you don't pay you can't play. When in the fuck did they draw a card in the game?? At what point is it worth giving them a cent?? I got out of the business when they got in I can't work with a partner that I can't trust!!! The only difference between paying the government and paying the mob to operate is the mob will kill you and the government will lock you up and take your money!! We need to fall back on the black market and cut those fuckers out completely. They'll still get there 10% when the profit is spent locally just not the rest. In my mind 10% for doing nothing is a pretty fucking good but to our wonderful government its not nearly enough!!
Bro, spend about 1 month reading all the laws and tax codes in the states of Colorado and Washington St.
You will learn a lot and then you will begin to understand the amounts of red tape that is involved. Fuck the gold, sell the shovels. Let others be the ones to waste their life savings on a crapshoot. All goldminers need shovels though.

I got yer shovel right here, bro; I'm developing and validating techniques and technologies to reduce the costs associated with growing indoors by 75% and possibly even more, compared to current industry practice.

ALL costs, including power, water, nutes, space, rent and labor.

To grow nearly ANYTHING, not just weed. Lemongrass to lime trees.

China has just released a soil study and it says that 19.1% of ALL arable land in China (suitable for farming) is contaminated with pollution from industry, including but not limited to PCBs, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and lead.

I'm guessing that's going to be quite a growth market when people figure out they still gotta eat in that toxic soup they call a 'developing nation'.
give it to me and will give you 8 pounds ..:) SOUNDS LIKE A FAIR TRADE TO ME

You know there are laws against that, right? Laws against the free trade for equitable value, as determined by the parties involved.

Sounds to me like our lovely Federal Government is being used as a pawn to halt free enterprise, not promote it.
We all need to fall back on the black market!! There are way too many fuckers with there hands out these days including our own worthless government. For years those suits took as many of us as they could to jail for a relatively victimless crime . Now there are partners in the business and will gladly take there 35% to 50% without lifting a finger if you don't pay you can't play. When in the fuck did they draw a card in the game?? At what point is it worth giving them a cent?? I got out of the business when they got in I can't work with a partner that I can't trust!!! The only difference between paying the government and paying the mob to operate is the mob will kill you and the government will lock you up and take your money!! We need to fall back on the black market and cut those fuckers out completely. They'll still get there 10% when the profit is spent locally just not the rest. In my mind 10% for doing nothing is a pretty fucking good but to our wonderful government its not nearly enough!!

I get your point.

Consider these; how much pot could you sell without government subsidized roads to get to your customers and get supplies, a subsidized internet to find them, and subsidized power to grow it?
Great post greenstonecurious. I've been very curious about marijuana related businesses myself. Dealing directly with the product seems like a constant risk but there are so many indirect ways to profit from this "green rush". I would love to be able to chat with more like-minded people such as yourself. Feel free to message me sometime, or anyone that shares a similar interest in that matter.