Originally Posted by
Brick Top
I used to grow a number of those types of trains in the 70's and I never had a single hermie. A few friends had like 1 or 2 each over years, but they did not cause pollination the pollen was sterile. I never started seeing or hearing about hermies in any numbers until there were professional breeders and seed companies and crosses began to dominate the market. Now a day doesn't go by without someone complaining about a hermie or hermies.
i find that hard to belive, hermies have been around as long as cannabis has. if we go by your anology here then were saying modern breeders introduced hermie genetics to the gene pools? apperently you never grew and Chocolate Thai back in yur hay day.
Yet once again you proudly exhibit your sheer ignorance. Bra-fucking-vo, Dribble Piss.
If you had any degree of reading comprehension skills, and a brain that thought clearly, logically and rationally, you would never say the things you do unless you really do enjoy making a total ass of yourself.
I never said that hermies did not exist in the past. I said they were rare and of those that did hermie, often times the pollen was sterile so it was not a big deal. In the DJ Short piece used as extremely weak evidence that what I said was incorrect he said this about Thai strains (not Chocolate Thai though)
Also, many of the male flowers were sterile on some of the plants, or on certain parts of certain plants.
And no, I never grew any Chocolate Thai in that era. If it ever came to my area, I missed it, so there is no way I can talk about an experience I never had. I can only do what I did, relate my actual experiences.
Again, if you had any degree of reading comprehension skills, and a brain that thought clearly, logically and rationally you would never have said; "if we go by your anology here then were saying modern breeders introduced hermie genetics to the gene pools?" What I have said is that over the years the hermie problem has increased, which is a fact. That is the result of breeding, though I have a theory that much of it happened in the earlier years of modern breeding and since so many strains contain those early strains, it just keeps being passed on and on, plus it is constantly being made worse due to there being so many pollen chuckers out there attempting to pass themselves off as being true professional breeders.
There is something that you might not know about, which would not surprise me in the least, but what is called by some 'a true female' does exist, a female with absolutely no male genes whatsoever and that will not turn hermaphrodite. You can switch them from veg to flower for a few weeks and then back to veg for a few weeks and then back to flower and you can have light leaks and one will not turn. They are very rare, and for that fact I do not know if a single one exists in any cross, but they do exist in nature. If whenever possible they would have been, and would now, be used in breeding, you would see far fewer hermies.
For anyone who has grown at least a fair bit longer than since feminized seeds came out would know for a fact that with the advent of feminized seeds the number/percentage/frequency of hermies increased. But then I would never ever expect any little puppy to know that, or even accept the truth of it. They only believe what they want to believe.