Can you please share with me what sulfur product you use to spray? I understand Eagle 20EW is extremely dangerous although cannabis plants somehow get rid of the Eagle OR it doesn't go to the flowers if you spray early... I know people that have their crops tested negative and they use eagle. It's all about proper execution and IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT EAGLE20 myclobutanil IS THEN DO NOT F*CK WITH IT.I've used regalia, procidic2, horsetail tea, potassium bicarbonate, isopropyl and micronized sulphur to treat powdery mildew. Hands down the sulphur has worked the best for me. Everything else will slow it down for a couple days and it just starts right back up again. The sulphur kills it AND keeps it from coming back for weeks or in my case for months. I was dealing with pm for about 18 months before I sprayed with sulphur, literally nothing I listed above worked. It's been about 4 months now since I sprayed with sulphur and I can't find a speck of mildew on my plants.
Eagle20 is my standard go to..I spray 3ml per gallon 1 week before I switch to 12/12. Havent seed PM since.
There is ZERO evidence showing it is hazardous to use. The manufacturer says not to use it because it hasnt been tested on products to be smoked. It is however used on fruit crops, and other countries do apply it to tobacco.
People are concerned because combusting it produces cyanide.... but the very act of combusting cannabis or tobacco produces cyanide. Eating almonds, apples etc also exposes you to cyanide.
It isnt enough to cause health problems.
That being said, I dont apply it during flower and I make sure that the plants have at least 9 weeks before application and harvest..
It is the only product that I have found that eliminates PM.
Ive tries green cure, regalia, neem, etc. They "mow the grass" but it comes back within a week.
I foliar with Si. I guess I would call it a preventative. It does strengthen the plants. I started using Power Si (similar to Aptus Facilitator) at 16ppm/gal.
Si is a great way to control stretch too but you've gotta keep the ppms low with Si or it'll negatively affect yields. If using potassium silicate, it you have to calculate for the extra K
As a PM preventative, the idea is cellular health/high brix and you want the tissue inhospitable so the taproot cant "bite in" and take hold because PM will form invisible networks before spores are visible to the naked eye. There's a few different ways to go about it. Some alternate Si with EWC teas. The teas provide competing bacteria. Some people use Aloe and Silica and have stunning results.
I've never attempted to foliar Silica but I've used Armor Si and FASiLITATOR and Stout MSA with zero success against WPM and this is in a grow environment thats ozone & bleach sterilized between grows with the SAME GENETICS, sealed grow mini-split cooling with dehumidifiers no external air source.
This is what's making me think that Powdery Mildew on Cannabis is definitely systemic because there is no other explenation on why it keeps coming back in a sealed grow with mad carbon scrubbers (Fresh ones) new HEPA filtration and no external air also CO2 and proper temps (70-78 F) and humidity (45-55%).
You do realize Regalia is a preventative. You are supposed to use it BEFORE you get PM, not after.Someone on these boards suggested Regalia for PM. I figured I'd give it a try. My plants are about 3 feet tall in veg, 36 plates total, 6 of them had some light PM spots. I applied Regalia per instructions and waited a week. The plants that had PM on them had further progression of PM and many of the other plants that didnt have PM are showing signs of PM.
Long story short: dont waste your money.
Micronized wettable sulphur, any brand should work.Can you please share with me what sulfur product you use to spray? I understand Eagle 20EW is extremely dangerous although cannabis plants somehow get rid of the Eagle OR it doesn't go to the flowers if you spray early... I know people that have their crops tested negative and they use eagle. It's all about proper execution and IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT EAGLE20 myclobutanil IS THEN DO NOT F*CK WITH IT.
I've never attempted to foliar Silica but I've used Armor Si and FASiLITATOR and Stout MSA with zero success against WPM and this is in a grow environment thats ozone & bleach sterilized between grows with the SAME GENETICS, sealed grow mini-split cooling with dehumidifiers no external air source.
This is what's making me think that Powdery Mildew on Cannabis is definitely systemic because there is no other explenation on why it keeps coming back in a sealed grow with mad carbon scrubbers (Fresh ones) new HEPA filtration and no external air also CO2 and proper temps (70-78 F) and humidity (45-55%).
First you only applied once? It requires a committed schedule of treatments. And it is not a fungicide. Not spray and forget. I had a massive PM infestation this year. Regalia CG as foliar spray as directed and though watering 3 days later. Every week until my PM disappeared. Then only applied through watering as scheduled. Worked beautifully when all home remedies and some commercial options failed. Slim pickings in the organic world.Someone on these boards suggested Regalia for PM. I figured I'd give it a try. My plants are about 3 feet tall in veg, 36 plates total, 6 of them had some light PM spots. I applied Regalia per instructions and waited a week. The plants that had PM on them had further progression of PM and many of the other plants that didnt have PM are showing signs of PM.
Long story short: dont waste your money.
First you only applied once? It requires a committed schedule of treatments. And it is not a fungicide. Not spray and forget. I had a massive PM infestation this year. Regalia CG as foliar spray as directed and though watering 3 days later. Every week until my PM disappeared. Then only applied through watering as scheduled. Worked beautifully when all home remedies and some commercial options failed. Slim pickings in the organic world.
This was my first time using. Highly skeptical. And the price made me cringe. I'm a convert. A new gallon on my grow room shelf. It will be part of all my grows from now on. From start to finish.
Use the product as truly directed. REGALIA WORKS!!
I can only state that I sprayed buds for 3 weeks and harvested the first 3 weeks later. Just jarred but no issues I have noticed.IS REGALIA safe for spraying on buds tho and smoking??? I've avoided shit like Serenade because its legit bacteria feces. I'm concerned about spraying my plants with REGALIA during bloom phase which is when its most important..
I used Agsil 16H potassium silicate foliar on outdoor cannabis plants and my garden and roses, etc... this year. It definitely helped in preventing PM. I used it as a preventative not a solution to stop PM once it showed up. But none of my outdoor cannabis, squash plants, cucumbers, pumpkins, got PM like they have in the past. So I'll be using it next year as a weekly preventative spray throughout the growing season. It's environmentally friendly and only costs $15 - $20 for a pound which will make hundreds of gallons. I did also use a small amount of sesame oil occasionally as well so I can't be sure that didn't have any effect as well. Sesame oil is used in some commercial organic fungicides.
Indoors I have no issues. Small scale 4x4. But I have good furnace micron filters on all air inlets and a UV C streri light in my exhaust set up. I also sterilize everything before every grow. I am sad to inform you the spores are in your grow area. Will persist until eradicated.That is very interesting. I know that Potassium Silicate is very alkaline which would certainly inhibit mold infestation/growth. I've fed it through roots (fertigation) and that doesn't seem to stop mold at all. I'm indoor only so I've only had experience with White Powdery Mildew indoors.. I think we got infected by taking clones from someone a couple years back and I'm just now starting to eliminate the powdery mildew.. The only "cure" that I've found is Eagle20 2 applications (1 during early veg and 1 before flower). Another very important thing is to treat ALL PLANTS at once which is very challenging when you're running a perpetual garden.
Indoors I have no issues. Small scale 4x4. But I have good furnace micron filters on all air inlets and a UV C streri light in my exhaust set up. I also sterilize everything before every grow. I am sad to inform you the spores are in your grow area. Will persist until eradicated.
If you have an active PM infestation, you need to use a knockdown treatment first BEFORE Regalia.
Regalia only boosts your plants natural defense systems and makes it more resilient against pathogens, but it does not attack the fungus/mildew spores itself.
It is hard to admit this. But I did use a heavy foliar spray of copper fungicide at 1/2 strength as a final effort. This was explained to me by a grower of prized hops. It is their method and no trace of copper in testing after after harvest. But 3-4 weeks should be allowed before harvest. It was the beginning of the end of PM here.If you have an active PM infestation, you need to use a knockdown treatment first BEFORE Regalia.
Regalia only boosts your plants natural defense systems and makes it more resilient against pathogens, but it does not attack the fungus/mildew spores itself.