regarding foood coloring


Active Member
ok so some ppl did an experiment with dipping the rooot in foood coloring and it worked!! and some ppl tried putting it in the roots... and the roots filtered the coloring.

Now with my A.D.D and mind always racing i realized what if while its flowering from the 1st week, if i inject foood coloring or koolaid with a seringe into the stem (at the bottom), will the water carry the color up thru the stems???? will it act as if it was dipped in coloring like fdd's experiment.... and hell maybe its even get the kool aid flavoring and work in a way molasis does too (cus of sugars)??? any ideas i might try this in a few weeks.... dont be a dickhead please its only an idea


Well-Known Member
marijuana wont take up the same taste as kool-aid, thats just genetics and the syringe idea might work but it usually make your bud taste funky. in my opinion its best to just let your bud be and se what colors and flavors come naturally from it


Well-Known Member
What would probably occur is your injection would clog up whatever cells the kool aid solution came in contact with. Complex sugars won't be taken up by the plant, kool aid will have no effects, other than stunting and possibly killing your plant.

As far a dying the plant different colors... Why would you want to do that?

Best leave needles to hard drugs, keep them away from your plant.

Here's a tidbit for your ADD; Native Americans used to split the stem, at the trunk, and put a chewed up opium ball in there a week before harvest. It had no effects on the plant. But shows what type of regard they had for the plant. The first case of sensimilla, or tended, marijuana plant.

Don't mess with your plant, let it grow.

People are gonna be dickheads if you mention injecting kool aid into your plants... So I'll do it first...

Stop being stupid. :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's technique, stem splitting.

In theory it's supposed to stress the plant during the last bit of resin production, and create more trichromes. I've tried it, didn't notice a bit of difference.