regarding shrooms


New Member
no offense but the best site for information on these puppies is

as for recent questions regarding growing in aquariums and what not. there are three rules if you are going to pursue this method

and cleanliness

fae is of course fresh air exchange. this also includes circulation. with a fish tank size grow humidity can get stagnant and grow bacteria. resulting in green and other foreign molds. you should actively exchange all the air at LEAST once every hour. and passively as long as your humidifier is running so all day. doing so will allow good evaporation so as not to get vapor locked

humidty is important and requires two tools. cool mist and ultrasonic humidifier. coolmist will run contiuosly. this will keep a good mist running when you vent for fae you will run your ultra sonic on high after your active fae until your humidty is at desired levels. most ultrasonics really put it out there.

the third is cleanliness. though not really needed i always boil my water then let it cool to decontaminate it before putting it in my vaporizer. then i had 1 cap of h2o2 for every liter of water. and i use a hepa replacement filter (15 bones at freddy's for mini hepa filter systems) to filter air pre fae. also i use pollyfill sheets doubled up and taped over my humidifier intake to keep contams out of there. and the room you are growing in needs to be contamn free as well. just be clean.

other than that as long as you keep a good temp (77 degrees F) you shouldn't have a problem.

the brain
nothing really, especially if in a fishtank. though.... you think that with the water that is sitting in the bottom of your fruiting tub, or fishtank. not all of it is going to circulate, and though it is not very absorbant...perlite will absorb some water. it isn't active so a portion of that water will be sitting there the whole time until you exchange it. water incubates bacteria and molds very well. so unless you change that perlite frequently you could end up losing a crop of whatever your fruiting. plus i had a buddy that lost a bunch of cakes to foreign mold due to co2 build up. so on the next set he vented more. with perlite it couldn't keep the humidity up high enough for all the times he had to vent. so he lost another batch to dehydration...

i am not dissing on the perlite. it is a very good point to start from. and despite all of the above said, it can be very succesful.

but i won't deny that even with the risk of mechanical failure, an active growing system, especially tubs will most of time be more succesful than an systems just have to be dialed in.

as for the best way to grow. well you arent going to do that in a fish tank. in short order there is a way to yield 2 pounds per every jar in a 10cc syringe without liquid culturing. don't believe me. i will give you a link that i learned from but change it a little.

1. innoc. 10 sterilized wbs 1q. jars half full incubate.
2. clone each jar into 10 more 1qt. sterilized wbs jars. incubate(=100 or more jast. you can do 1 jar to 20 if you want i don't because it's more time with your jars exposed to contaminated air.)
3. in a large pot pasteurize a pillowcase half-3/4's full of 75%shredded straw
+%25 composted steer manure for 1 hour at 170F. per every 5 jars. allow to cool over night.
4. line approx 2'x2'x2' cardboard box inside and out with black heavy garbage bags.
5. when hay is cool mix 5 jars of grain with every pillowcase of poo/straw. leaving enough poo and straw to do a 1" layer over the top of your box.
6. poor poo/straw/grain mix into your box. poor top layer over it. press down with fist all over.
7. lay a perferated plastic sheet(black) over your box lightly. put in warm dark place and incubate. remove plastic top daily and mist with h2o2/water spray bottle
8. when full cultured pasteurize a 1" casing of 50/50 verm and peat moss, lay it over the top lightly and repeat step 7 till fruiting.

there is more too it thats a rundown but it is a huge yielding tek. here is the original version, you can see my twists. i don't do culture jars, or bags. just jar to clone to poo

each box can yield easily 1 pound in 3 cycles. uses 5 jars a cycle. you started out with 10 jars but you cloned them to 100. 5 jars each per box would give you 20 boxes and 20lbs. devide that by 10 original jars thats 2 lbs per jar...

this isn't just talking shit, i have seen it don'e just like that 4 months ago.
Lol I've done fishtank grows with aquarium gravel in the bottom of the tank to keep the mass out of moisture, in a dirty garage with only some plywood covering it, not even cased till it almost fruited..

what I meant to say is, just try at least... sometimes things just work out... P.S. I had shrooms for months after the aquarium grow, I think I used like 7 litres of horse pooh + the corn for seeding it.


Eventualy I just covered the top with salad wrap, tore a hole in the centre, and stuck a wad of polyfill in for gas exchange.