

Well-Known Member
i just harvested my first plant. she was a monster to me. the root system is outstanding and the main stem is still in tact with 3 fan leaves and some small foliage on the bottom. i threw it into veg stage the same day i harvested it. i would love for it to regenerate because of the massive root system and my abundance of new knowledge about growing and this particular strain.

what are some things i can do to make this a smoother transition?
how can i increase the chance of it regenerating?

i have the entire line of fox farm nutes so maybe some big bloom? i also have superthrive.

Pat the stoner

New Member
I did that before and if I remember right it took longer for me to get it to flower than it did the first time. The veg stage was longer , flower was close to same . My plant hermied on me also , but it sure was cool to do cause all the new growth came in with a bunch of single bladed leaves , I mean like 20 of them and the edges were more smooth than serated . It didnt even look like mj , people who saw it didnt even know what it was at first . That was like 22 years ago and I dont really remember much that would help you . I still remember it was one of the most interesting things I ever had in a garden though . I think you will like trying it ,I know I sure did . Good luck

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
as long as you left some popcorn buds behing and soem foilage you shoudl be able to reveg her. It might take a few weeks to revert


Active Member
Lol at Pat i have a jilly bean that was cut later in flower doing the same thing as we speak. It's been vegging 2 weeks since replant and i haven't got anything that has over 3 blades per leaf. looks like basil or some shit ;)

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Lol at Pat i have a jilly bean that was cut late and flower doing the same thing as we speak. It's been vegging 2 weeks since replant and i haven't got anything that has over 3 blades per leaf. looks like basil or some shit ;)
thats normal with reveg plants and even clones to grow funky leaves...some go back to normal, some retain 3 blades for ever


Active Member
I've reveged several different strains with mixed results. I think that different strains have different tolerances for the trama that you are putting them through, kind of like some will clone easy and others won't. That said; the first thing I would do is to re-pot. I trimmed my root system down to around 1/2 to 1/3 of original size and re-potted ( I used ocean forest ) I then fed with a high N fertilizer, as nitrogen has pretty much been depleated from a mature plant. Then I kept feeding with grow ferts. A little bone and blood meal in the soil when you re-pot would also be a good idea. When the new growth starts, it will look a little strange, twisty leaves, single leaves, etc. Not to worry as this is normal.
On a side note, I am currently trying to re-veg a Power Plant that I grew last season and didn't have the forsite to gather some clones as I should have. This particular re-veg is different than the others as I am trying to do it just with the root mass and stump. The reason I think this might work is that when I harvested my crop a year ago, I just dumped the root balls into the compost pile. About a month later I saw several dozen babies starting out of the mass. I didn't persue it at the time as I had too many going plants and didn't want to mess with it. But I did remember it. I am also re-veging a cherry deisel that I grew out last season. It's too early to tell wether it will be successful or not.
Re-vegging takes time and patience. Most people don't mess with it because of the space it takes up and the time it takes. Personally I like the idea and do it pretty regularly, as I don't always have a mother to take cuttings off of nore do I have the finances for seeds.


Active Member
Revegging and regeneration is pretty cake. I was unsure of it as well and the transition. I have regenerated my blueberry x og kush. It once again one of my happiest plants in my veg room. Good luck to you, it does take a bit of time, but once its starts regrowing its just as it was.
[h=1][/h]Toss back in the room with 16/8 and normal nutes and presto.