Well-Known Member
hey Mo also wanted to tell you I finally got some color in some of my bells looks like 2 reds and one orange.. Im so stoked about that, I just about gave up and thought they were gonna stay green..
damn whats going on man, yupp I used the fan it worked great lowered the temp 5 degrees. Thank you so much. Im gonna be down your way tomorrow helping D with that chicken coop. I can give you a hand after that..looks great brutha......did u end up usein that fan? the rooms been kickin my ass, but almost done......gotta get up there to your place soon!
well no I didnt give them any potash, but I did pluck a few small ones and thats when the rest took off.. I will post some pics of the garden some time this weekend. I sure hope the indoor garden puts out as much as the veggies..Nice brothey'll go down a treat hey. did you end up using some potash on them? Was it because you picked a few first? I think it's similar to what happens with ganja, after you pick a few little nugs, it pushes the rest of the plant to finish quickly as it thinks it's being eaten! Well thats my theory anyway lol
Sweet bro nice work! Picking a few always helps mine to start ripeningwell no I didnt give them any potash, but I did pluck a few small ones and thats when the rest took off.. I will post some pics of the garden some time this weekend. I sure hope the indoor garden puts out as much as the veggies..
yes, I would only folier feed at night. and at 1/4 sounds good..Sweet bro nice work! Picking a few always helps mine to start ripening
Hey man, quick questions..with the foliar feeding, should I spray just after lights out? And should I just use 1/8-1/4 strength notes in?
cheers man
thats sweet you got it done bro. Im tired from working on that coop all day so I will check out the vid tomorrow and let you know what I think. Im sure you did a trick job with it..hey reggae. im finishing out my mother closet tomorrow hopefully if it dosent rain so i might just be hittin ya up. im most interested in this new strain you got for us =D ill post up some pic of the cab tomorrow and see wat u guys think. my only worries are heat so im going to have to figure out what i can do about that. also im gonna have to get some more emergency camping blankets and line the grow cab walls with them but so far so good.
Im not doing too bad HC, I had a great time helping the little lady build a chicken coop over the weekend. Its still not finished, but its gonna be a frickn palace once it is complete.. Also you know I always had an eye for some of those strains over in your cave. We should swap a few once I get all cought up again..?Hey reggea how ya doing buddy : ?)
Your table looks like a work of art man, you haven't missed a beat. You and I are on the same track,,,,I'm tightening things up reducing my strains especially in the big bud room. Couple of fairly high yeilding quick finishing Apollo crosses and a pheno of T's BC Lush (NHK) that is great yeilder for a kush/chem cross and is done in 8.5 wks. Trying to keep the bar high and the pipeline flowing ; !)
I need to get over here more often even more so now that the show has started! Have a great rest of your day my friend and good luck with the chicken coopTalk to ya
Oh yeah I here you.. Im ready to see them sprouted and growing.. If it has leaves give it light now and just move over the heat mat once the other has sprouted..Hey Reggs, one of my new seeds sprouted yesterday but im still waiting for my other one to sprout. Will the one that has sprouted be ok in the darkness till the other one pops or should i move it into its own humididome under a light now it has leaves? Only reason i ask is because ive only got one heat mat and its under the dome in the dark to sprout. I really dont wanna fuck these ones up hey!
You going to put up some pics of the coop brotha?yes, I would only folier feed at night. and at 1/4 sounds good..
thats sweet you got it done bro. Im tired from working on that coop all day so I will check out the vid tomorrow and let you know what I think. Im sure you did a trick job with it..
Im not doing too bad HC, I had a great time helping the little lady build a chicken coop over the weekend. Its still not finished, but its gonna be a frickn palace once it is complete.. Also you know I always had an eye for some of those strains over in your cave. We should swap a few once I get all cought up again..?
Oh yeah I here you.. Im ready to see them sprouted and growing.. If it has leaves give it light now and just move over the heat mat once the other has sprouted..
Cheers everyone be back with some update pics tomorrow I hope. Everything is looking good so far hopefully I will have time to tranceplant the next batch of clones to the 2x4 tray tomorrow that way I can get this SOG on its way by friday.... Most of the clones are rooted now so with some luck when I get home from work they will all be ready.. Friday Is D~day if im not 100% complete builing all my systems including secondary rez's for all im totally screwed cause I will be heading up to the mountains for 7-10 days again..