REGGAERICANS perpetual purple SOG


Well-Known Member
a qp a week?.. im gonna keep the faith. I think you'll do much better. maybe closer to hp.. Are they rooting nicely?


Well-Known Member
hello folks,
so clones are almost rooted and prep work has begun in the flower room.. for this project what i am going to be doing is setting up a 3x6 tray for bloom phaze and a 2x4 tray for the final boost..
for the flush i will be using a product called quality cure that reverses the transpiration im guessing i will do this off to the side in a small tub of some sort since all i have to do is dip and let sit lights on for 6 hrs befor i cut... works great!!!
for lighting i was thinking about flipping my 2 parabolic hoods and making them one on a light mover insteed of using 3 hoods?? you will see what im talking about soon enough.. sounds good in my crazy head anyways..
i will be using supernatural nutes as usual, as they have worked great for me in the past...

so befor i start rambling on neadlessly here is a peak of the strain i will be using.. might throw others in at times just to see what works best...
and pics of my young clones, pics of root progress will be later..

edit: ok i just thought i would post pics of my electrical panel and veg room for those that didnt follow my last grow..
nice grow papo!!


Well-Known Member
thats awsome man, thats what i want to shoot for in the future.. and i have NO idea how to get that schedule down pat. how much do u pull per plant? are you at an oz yet? i herd in SOG thats professional pretty much.
well with this last strain i was working with i was only able to max out @ just under a half oz per plant but they were real small 14" i believe, so this time should be much beter since my room is gonna be dialed in bro.. and i will be playing with a much better strain...

Get a harvest every 2 weeks Epic bro thats all I got to say
hey thanks again for posting that thread here don that a sweet grow

a qp a week?.. im gonna keep the faith. I think you'll do much better. maybe closer to hp.. Are they rooting nicely?
WOW!! i love an optimistic thinker... thanks for the good vibes...

roots arew coming along nicely guys, i am bout to head to the underworld to get some work done i will post more pics of my progress later...


Well-Known Member
Subbed up..!
thanks, pull up a chair cause it wont be long now...

and also i just wanted to say to all befor i get back to work thanks again guys realy!!! i totally appreciate all that joined, and if i havent got a chance to visit your thread yet im so sorry and i will soon.. bet!! i just been hella buzy lately so please be patient...


Well-Known Member
thanks, pull up a chair cause it wont be long now...

and also i just wanted to say to all befor i get back to work thanks again guys realy!!! i totally appreciate all that joined, and if i havent got a chance to visit your thread yet im so sorry and i will soon.. bet!! i just been hella buzy lately so please be patient...
Yeah dido my man, I feel like a pro with you guys.:) I mean I know I got a long ways to go but I know I cant go to wrong with you guys. Hey I have that ph 600 ph meter anyone know bout that? Do I have to test my water with the old kit, with the dropler to set the meter? To make sure its accurate?


New Member
Yeah dido my man, I feel like a pro with you guys.:) I mean I know I got a long ways to go but I know I cant go to wrong with you guys. Hey I have that ph 600 ph meter anyone know bout that? Do I have to test my water with the old kit, with the dropler to set the meter? To make sure its accurate?
u have to get calibration solution
or set it to something u know the exact ph of


Well-Known Member
ok as promised here are a few pics of my almost rooted clones and build progress...

i got my 2 parabolic hoods mounted today, and ahhh did i say i got my parabolic hoods lazy day spent looking for work and other bullshit.. but tomorrow i will be rescuing (5) chemdawg4 plants from my good freind stilllearning, so looks like i will be getting the grow off for sure by this weekend. i think i will put those in the 2x4 for now and just do a scrog under a 600w cause they are realy stretched from being under a flo for to long... good thing bout them is they are well rooted already so i can put right into flower...

i think as far as the perpetual SOP (see of purple) goes im gonna wait about 1-2 weeks so the roots will be totally bangn... and also so the chemdawgs wont be in the way when they are ready for there boost table...


Well-Known Member
Are the chemdawgs already in rockwool or hydroton? Or are you going to have to do some soil to hydro surgery? Roots are poppin' and I'm likin' what I'm seein'. Keep it up.


Weed Modifier
SOP hey.....that's not what it says in your title .... lmao nice idea though???

Looks like you are getting things in order man great work man.....excellent bro...

Some one gave you plants/...,..,wow.....nice!!!


Well-Known Member
Also, tell me a little bit about the light mover? Is it new? Have you used it before? What kind of outcome are you expecting from using it? So on and so forth.

Light movers are one thing I don't know much about, but would love to hear about them. How much electricity they use, are they on a timer, yadda yadda yadda...


Well-Known Member
Are the chemdawgs already in rockwool or hydroton? Or are you going to have to do some soil to hydro surgery? Roots are poppin' and I'm likin' what I'm seein'. Keep it up.
yes my buddy has 3 of them in 4" cubes and 2 in 6" cubes hella roots poppin out the bottom already so they are way ready for flower..

SOP hey.....that's not what it says in your title .... lmao nice idea though???

Looks like you are getting things in order man great work man.....excellent bro... Some one gave you plants/...,..,wow.....nice!!!
hey thanks lime yea them chemcawg4 are a great strain too i might keep one as a mom but will need lots of training if i do..
also i tried to change my title but its to late to edit..


Well-Known Member
alright so auzzie about the light mover, no its not new i had it just sitting forthe past year, the reason im using it is them parabolics have hot spots and dark spots so to eliminate burn on some and lack of light on others the light mover will travel only a total of 2' thats one 1' each direction from center... as far as hook up it will plug right into the same timer that controls the lights and fans... and as far as power consumption heck i think they draw like 1amp or something small like that...

the first plug closest to the timer is a timmed 240 recept. and the middle recept is 110 timmed for my fans,light mover and pumps the 2gang is constant power for other misc stuff


Weed Modifier
Excellent idea about the mover too ....covers more area! so you can get more even light across your canopy...and helps eliminates the hot spots too.

You seem to be covering all area's this time regga!!! Good job bro.....

ps just emptied lol


Well-Known Member
Thats sweet how you have your clones set up! How long since cutting in those pics? About a week or 2? The light setup looks sweet to, this is gonna be FUN!! :)


Well-Known Member
Excellent idea about the mover too ....covers more area! so you can get more even light across your canopy...and helps eliminates the hot spots too.

You seem to be covering all area's this time regga!!! Good job bro.....
thanks lime, i cant screw up this time bro i made to many promises to them little ladies..

hey also guys as a tribute to smellys party cup grow i decided to add 2 party cups in the mix with soil and do one with just plain water and one with molassis.. that should be fun also cause i never grew with molassis b4