reggo hydro dwc gimme insights


Well-Known Member
Deff a bad change bro ....if ur using synthetic nutes flush ur bucket and add hydrogen peroxide at 20ml a gallon for weak 3% if you use the good stuff (35%) I have no idea the measurement.... Hope all turns out....what temp is ur grow area with lights on? U should clean tub too ....again hope all turns out cuz that is one beautiful nameless


Got peroxide in there the res temps were in the 58 to 60 mark idk what happend lol yeah shes a beauty


Peroxide is kicking its ass it looks almost cleaned up ill be flushing n scrubbing tomorrow hopfully this shit wont happen again


Well-Known Member
That's very much repairable. You may want to consider bennies or a colonized tea to keep pythium in check.


The peroxide Is doing the job i am going to change the res out and i will freeze my water lower res temps i will be putting 2 tbs of 3% i covered the tub more so no light can get in but im sure that wasn't the issue


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah those are gunna fill out nicely ! Niccce my babies are going on 4th week so we should have a close harvest time... Can't wait to see wut u can pull from a huge dwc bad seed under a 150...I bet ull be impressed!


Already am lol im pullin more then my friend he says it will yield better then his 3 plants not put together just have a higher yield he says 100+ buds on there he has a 600w hps


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah that's awesome keep me posted...I have 6 under a 600 hps so I'd love to compare our out comes...wut week are u in ?