Registration time..

My bad......I think the new prices that I'm seeing are ijust showing me their price with the compassion pricing deducted. Seeing as I'm eligible for it. Sorry for the confusion.
Well bee I hope you get some meds soon.....this has got to suck big for most of those caught by a deadline to cut off growing....
for MMar people....and I'm not trying to be a dick here...restocking your supply each week requires zero hastles......or wait times (at least once you are ahead of the game....and have your quota stocked ) and for my material inputs into my last crop, I will be paying just under 70 cents per gram....(though I supply my time and labour for free....)
and quality is usually only limited to the genetics you have or are able to purchase....
Like mojo said above the price rarely goes down much.......and 4 bucks a gram would put me out of the game......
I hope for the patients sake , everywhere in this country ,the courts support patients needs first....and allow us to care for ourselves.....first and
there will still be a need for lp's for those just starting patients or for those who can not physically supply themselves or do not have someone to grow it for them,,,,.....and ultimately the lp's will get the market they are truly after................... as Frank Zappa would have said..."STRICTLY COMMERCIAL"