regular seeds vs feminized seeds


Well-Known Member
Seeds being feminized is the most overcited variable as to why people have non-ideal growing experiences from seed.

Increased herms, poor germination rates, lack of vigour, mutations, and many others.

It's completely false tho. Based on a version of the naturalistic fallacy and confirmation bias. It's entirely contingent on the female selection to begin with.

Grow out a few hundred reg seeds of a popular strain and believe me, you'll find both male and female herms.


Well-Known Member
Looking at my OLD Greenpoint seeds they are TWICE as big as the fems, they gave me no probs starting out. My fems have one set of leaves in 5 days, the regs had 2 sets. Im guessing yield will be smaller.
Yeah its nothing to do with the feminisation, dude. I grew a Greenpoint strain not long ago (only to 1 month old because my friend had a rental issue) and yeah the vigour was absolutely ridiculous. I started them a week after the others and they blew right past everything else by third week of veg.


Well-Known Member
I just popped a bunch of feminized seeds, two different strains, and I had one plant just take off as compared to my others, despite being the same genetics. Phenotypes are wild.


Well-Known Member
Its not fems, but some landrace strains have very strong stripes, might have harder shell etc and many commercial strains dont so much, but ofc might have some of those genetics and be like that sometimes.

But in general i would say wilder the strain is, usually stronger the stripes are and seeds in general are more healthy looking.


Well-Known Member
usually stronger the stripes are and seeds in general are more healthy looking
I was always pondering the stripes and if they meant they would be a stronger seed than those without markings.

Just my guess here...but I feel the solids aren't as vigor as the stripes.... All the Solids (MINE) don't pop. Those with Stripes or some kind of markings seems to Pop without a problem (though different times) and I believe I will start doing research on it.
I will document EVERY seed of Stripes and solids and see for the remaining of this year...

Who knows..