Regular Soil

Would regular soil or a 50/50 mix of some commercial stuff sustain a plant? I can imagine the plant would thrive but not near as much, but would it really hurt quality that significantly?

Depends on the condition of your native soil.
I suppose I should have been more specific with my question. The area I intend to plant in is a clearing in woods close to a creek with small shrubs and medium height grasses growing, do you think it is fine to use the native soil or would it not work at all and I'd need some commercial stuff?


Well-Known Member
If it were me and you are preparing the plot now..I'd amend it with some natural fert. but not too much. You don't want to be seen lugging bags of potting soil into the woods.
Use fertilizer as you go in the water. I used just a little black strap molasses and some Tiger bloom..But not much of either and my first ever grow last year was kick ass stuff!


Amish Warrior: Using your native soil depends on the conditions. Some basic things that come to mind are: Soil PH, Nutrient Content, Soil Texture, and Water retention.

Depending on your native soil quality, you could just plant directly into the soil. Some people have to excavate a good sized hole and back fill with premium top soil (pain in the fucking ass).

Start with a soil test kit, this will tell you exactly what you're working with.

Good luck!