Rejuvenating a plant


Active Member
Hello :D, I'm hypothetically growing my 1st crop and looking to chop one up and rejuvenate the other..(hypothetically).

Is this done by simply clipping all the hairy nodes all over the plant, along with bud growths? or is there something else to it?

They're are between Week 4 and 5 soo, I'd like to get an Idea of how this is done before week 9-10 :D.

Will be posting pics later on.

Any help would be great. Thanks.


New Member
I leave four nodes to be safe, trim the rootball and replant, then put it under 18/6 or 24/0. If you don't wanna trim the rootball you can always up-pot to a larger container, or start them on a high nitrogen schedule straight away.


Well-Known Member
Is this soil of hydro? Did you flush? If you flushed, is the plant yellow?

When I was growing in soil, I would just take the very largest ripest buds from the top. Then, I would lower the light, give it some nutes, and let her keep on filling those smaller buds out. A week or two later, as they ripen, I would harvest them. This all depends on how your plant looks. If you only have the top cola and not much below for smaller buds, you might want to do the revege thing like above or shit can the whole thing. It might not be worth your time. Now this is in soil.

I have no expierience in restarting a hydro grow of any kind. Sorry if that is how you are growing, I can't help.


Active Member
when picking of buds, can I cut off branches or should I take extra care and cut each node individually?

I have no experience doing this whatsoever, it's also my 1st my harvesting, growing, etc..
My plants are at week 6 of Flowering and filling up nice, in 3-4 more week I'll have to do chop em.
and yes I'm growing on soil.

Some precise intructions would be greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
I restarted by accident once..time went schizophrenic on me... restarted at week 6..that was a bizarre plant..Rather wispy, but still nice buzz..