Reklaws grow Journal

damn. well i thru a fan in there... there still sad looking i dunno wats happenin.. im geting nervous my best plant is takin a shiit :-(.. fuk.. well hope everyones fourth is good.. i got the kids some lil fountains n sparklers.. chicken jus got off tje grill im drinkin some bush.. not eatn it hahah... hope yall good

should be eating chicken and bush
I hear that bro.. I have been using "sensi-cal(bloom)" myself, and also sensi-cal (veg), and I have to hit them with it every 3 to 4 times a week, sometimes less, depending on there leaf tips, or if I start to see light browing on the edges of the leaves. Most of the girls are cal-mag whores during flowering! I don't understand it either! It seems like to me that when feeding the (bloom) nutes, that would take care of any cal-mag issues, you know without having to add extra! One being because the bloom feed has cal & mag, plus tons of other nutrients that's suppose to tide them over during flowering, if feed correctly, and not to much! :mrgreen:

to technical
just say u poured some stuff on it and did great
i went ahead and chopped one down this morning... the other i gave it more water, and it starting to coming back... odd lol i thought i over watered i dunno.. maybe the soil is draining to fast and its not geting enough water. i might need to transplant to some fresh soil..

I just tied down the babys again doing some lst... then i toped one, also lsting the sour D's they looks funny... have weird texture, leaves look like a mutant hand lol only 3 blad leaves. i belive there is a magniesume problem atm so im gonna spray with some epsom salt.. since i just watered yesterday
Three leaves can just be a sign of immaturity. Theyll get back to five eventually, dont worry. My sativa dominant blue dream did the same thing in the begining ;)
Yeah, I know what your saying Reck. I have a Peyote Purple that when I had 1st took the first couple clones off her, after they established roots, they went to 3 leaf, then 1!! I've had a few do it over the yr's. They will get back to norm after a few nodes like Ninja was saying. ;)

Hell my Chcolate Heaven is shooting out 1 single bladed leaves towards her tops cola's now. Lol. I'm just letting her do her thing, and not flipping over it.. ;)
They'll be ok bro.. trust us.. ;)
Oh pretty good I guess. Had a super bad headache the other day, had to go to the er it got so bad! So they popped a shot in the ass, fixed me right up! Lol thanks 4 asking though.. ;)
I hear that! I sure wish I had like aa cabin in the boondocks! Haha.. I would have me a basement full of the ladies if so!! :mrgreen:
Oh pretty good I guess. Had a super bad headache the other day, had to go to the er it got so bad! So they popped a shot in the ass, fixed me right up! Lol thanks 4 asking though.. ;)
I hear that! I sure wish I had like aa cabin in the boondocks! Haha.. I would have me a basement full of the ladies if so!! :mrgreen:

that sucks bro
what donny docs say cause of it or they just take your cash and be like idk?
What's up bro?
How ya doing?
Why do the ones in the yellow pots, pic4 look wilted?
Need water? Rootbound?
The 2 left ones and the top right in the cups probably gonna want transplanted in a week or so.:clap:

hey man going good :).. just been working on the grow and working on the plants got a sick one right now :(...

As you can see i got my new light yesterday.. :).. Hung it up yesterday, i just dont like how long and low the straps on it make it hang.. kinda upset im gonna switch them around later today on diff sides..

The ones in the bigger pots i dunno... see when i got them they were in dixies that big... :wall:.. so i transplanted them umm about 2-3 days ago.. But i took the pics this morning just after my watering so we will see how they look in a little bit.. i did notice that they looke droopy but.. to me they seem stretched the hell out.. they got a little defiency on the leavs i think its mag.. dude said there in pro mix and he feeds ff nutes but he didnt say20130706_082532.jpg 20130706_082532.jpg.. 20130706_082415.jpgView attachment 272717420130706_082532.jpg if he was feeding them... but he probably was so when i transplanted they went into the FFOF soil.. they might be under some stress also from not having the light... this is why one reason i dont like to buy clones.. but my babys i cloned are NICE! :).. Im thinking im gonna throw these in flower..

Yea i was thinking about planting them today acuatlly..
I did mix up some roots 707 yesterday put in the garbage can leting it cook for it be ready on my baby clones and my new beans. Also i would like to add i added some 2 cups kelp, EWC, 1 1/2 cup bat guano high phos, bout 1/2 cup of fish meal, mixed really well put in garbage can and then water now cook. Im trying to do the H2O..n also im doing my own trial in errors. :). let it cook for about 30-45 days. I would also like to add that its my first time checking out roots, and just bout the feel and texture i like it ALOT better than FF . REK :peace:

That's going to be a nice hot mix. Make sure you don't introduce that soil to your seedlings just your young plants. You might get a bag of Roots O soil that's not cooked to layer in with the hot soil. This will let the roots adjust to the higher nutes and as they grow they hit the hotter cooked soil at the bottom.

Refresher on my grow...My Roots O potting soil was straight from the bag, added water and set for 30 days. No other amendments. My six strains are green with no nute burn and have had only tap water for 6 weeks.

Hope things continue to go well for your Rek. I applaud you for trying new things it's the only real way to gain experience and improve your skills!
That's going to be a nice hot mix. Make sure you don't introduce that soil to your seedlings just your young plants. You might get a bag of Roots O soil that's not cooked to layer in with the hot soil. This will let the roots adjust to the higher nutes and as they grow they hit the hotter cooked soil at the bottom.

Refresher on my grow...My Roots O potting soil was straight from the bag, added water and set for 30 days. No other amendments. My six strains are green with no nute burn and have had only tap water for 6 weeks.

Hope things continue to go well for your Rek. I applaud you for trying new things it's the only real way to gain experience and improve your skills!

yea.. i plan on just get a RO OG mix and using for seedlings. I know you said you dont use no added amendments, but like you said i wanted to try somthing a little different it is the only way i learn and to gain experience..

RIght now im brewing up some EWC, kelp, and lil bit of alfalfa meal.
haha.. well i cancled my gym membership cause no job.. but i have 600lbs of wieghts of my own in my backyard.. probem is its been raining every damn day.. but i did do cardio on the treadmill, and do some calasteics... i started my diet yesterday.. cut down the carbs.. today i totally fell it tired, headach .. But wont stop me 1-2 weeks is brutal after that im all in :)....

my supplementation lines is

oxy elites (fat burner- caffine- for energy on a carb delete)
multi vits
and FOOD :)...

looking to get back down to the 6 pack range.. so i keep my cardio high and weight training 3 days a week. and weekends do full body work outs and eat carbs to refuel my system.