Reku's 2.20 Cab Grow-DWC VS. Mirical Grow, and there off!


Active Member
hey Recu, I would at least put in a diy tap to drain, u could then tilt the bucket, keep up the good work. good luck and happy growing
I'll have to look that up, thanks for the tip DIY style!

Pics->IMG_0421.jpgIMG_0422.jpgIMG_0424.jpgIMG_0423.jpgHavent messed around to much with the younger girls. I will re pot them in a few more days.


Well-Known Member
hey Recu, maybe try an actual tap that you would use on a water butt, I think ur pot is big enough. I must say though its been a pleasure to watch ur grows, as have many others. when I first joined riu I was a little shocked when you asked me a question, the reason being that I viewed you as an exceptional grower, I felt at the time that I didn't give you an answer that was good enough, again the reason being was that I felt I would give you information that may be wrong, so I left the answer pretty vague and some may think even a little aloof. so apologies. btw I still view you as an exceptional grower and planner. keep up the work m8. good luck and happy growing :-)


Well-Known Member
That's how I feel answering people's questions emann. The tap might be a cool idea, I'd love to see how that works.


Active Member
I get where you guys are coming from, all of you folks here on RIU have been helpful to some extent. I will consider my self a noob at growing untill I have a few under my belt. As far as the tap goes I'll have to do some reading to see what you mean sounds cool tho. I am going to water tonight so I may need to get this done soon.


Active Member
Ran out of soil for the new transplanties have to pick up some more tommarow. oh and one of the stalks got snaped over it will be ok i think.


Active Member
40 days until harvest on the autos. so October 1st should be a good day. You can see in the 2nd to last photo is where a Oppsie happened during trans-plant. LST'd the other one she was getting tall'ish.I have been watering every other day
They seem to be doing well. But I wonder if there are things I can do to make things better for the plants?

Support her and she'll be fine. Them hairs are looking nice
I am just gonna leave her alone and see what she does I was going to LST her anyway so maybe we call this a HST.



Active Member
days left 39
I guess the time has come to name these girls. The one on the side with the LOVE sticker is named Linda, the one on the storm tropper side is named Snipps. I will wait a bit and name the other two.
So I did hit them with nutes and leave my AC on during lights out today, them seem to have liked that. I moved the big CFL up higher with a better mount.last but not least I moved them all closer to the light.


Well-Known Member
Lol pic #8 has nice combed hair then you see #9 and she looks like a crazy bitch!

Smoke that one first, you must (in my Yoda voice)


Active Member
not as bad as you might think, with the door closed it's undetectable at this point with the cab open slight smell, touch any part of the plant and it smells like you fingered a skunk.


Active Member
37DL on AP

emannn thanks mon, much more to come. Things are going so well with this grow I ordered some more seeds today. I got another auto strain pack of 3 and one reg femmed pack of 3 and 5 free 3 are femmed. so 9 femmed seeds coming kaya 47 strain thats an auto and a Nother Lights sour deisle cross fem non auto. I can say this so far If you are doing a PC grow I would seriouly consider an auto breed, This autopounder(LInda) looks to have an amazing yeild for the size of plant it is, and will finish in 70-80 days. If only had room for one plant the autopounder would be it! One other thing I'd like to add is if you are new to growing I would highly recommend MG as a medium for noobs.It may not be the "Best" but I think it may be the easiest to use so that you can have one less thing to worry about and focus on temps lighting ect...After you get a few grows under your belt and your stuff dialed in you can experiment with other mediums just my two cents. As for the new pics here we go!

all the girls side.jpgall the girls top.jpglinda main cola tie down.jpglinda main cola.jpgLInda.jpgsnipps main cola.jpgsnipps main top.jpgsnipps.jpgthe young ladies.jpgtiedown1.jpgyl1.jpgyl2.jpg


Active Member
35 DL on AP: well it took a while but the heat got to my carbon filter, I dont wanna hear I told ya so bb61 lol.I will be rigging that back up soon as I figure out a good way to do it.




Well-Known Member
Everything is looking super fresh reku, looks like you're going to have some REAL nice herb after this grow. I would absolutely 100% agree with you in terms of going organic as oppose to hydro for a first time grower, and perhaps as bold to say organic all the way....?!?!!! :x

Been doing a lot of reading in regards to the debate over which is better (yield, taste, aroma, demand, etc.) and I've begun to lean toward organic as oppose to hydro... call me crazy. :/