Relationship advice needed


Well-Known Member
Ive known this girl since we were children, but started dating her again for the last 3 years. My problem was she was living with me and she would stay out to 3 oclock when she did hang with her friends, which was about every 3 months. So I would put her out and hook back up 4 or 5 days later and tell her not to do it again......she just kept messing up doing it again and she doesnt do it anymore....shes in by 10 oclock now. a year ago i caught her sneaking texting her daughters father from her daughters phone asking where a party was at and that she was gonna step out. and i put her out for 2 weeks before I let her back home. My problem is she is best friends with 4 of my cousins that I barely even know. She grew up with them on the other side of town. The problem is, is that she wont let me get close to any of her family or friends. Everytime we argue she would go and tell them a whole lot of things that I said. I asked her why would You do that because if you want to marry me imma have to get close to your circle, or at least be civil with. But calling them telling them unneccessary stuff is un called for. Almost like she purposely want them to hate me. She never bring me around her family...She dont even deal with her family and they known me since childhood. She bring her friends around to say hi and then leave. 2 weeks ago I kicked her out for a week for not waking me up telling me she was leaving. I woke up not knowing if she was dead or not and it pissed me off. It seems like every 3 months she F. up.....What you think.
I guess I'm just feeling mature this early in the morning but IMHO you are in a dead relationship! Its not gonna magically change or get better! The fighting will continue, you will grow to despise each other(even more)!!

I sure as hell wouldn't marry her!

Have you tried her sister? Or even mother? Explore your options man! Dont get stuck on stupid!
Polish up all of the skeletons in your closet. Then kick her for good.

Don't forget the grudge goodbye fuck.
If your happier with her than you are without her than theres not much you can do but take what she gives ya. otherwise throw her back in the pond and keep fishing for a keeper. either way good luck to ya bud, smoke em if ya got em.
It's she fucking around on you, or are you just paranoid and jealous she still parties with her friends? Sounds like you try keeping a short leash on her, no wonder she looks for some way out when she can.
Fuck her in the ass one last time and drop the bitch. She will not change and she is fucking around anyway. Quit being a pussy about it.