Relationship problems


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the rant, but im pretty choked, Im hard working guy, I have 2 jobs to support and upgrade my living needs, I just forked out 400 for a new tv, and 300 for a new kitchen table, which could have bought me alot of precious weed; I do most of the house work, I clean everything almost every day to make sure that the place is clean looks and smells nice, I was sleeping at 9 am, my g/f had already woke up because she wanted to go to the gym, im having a nice sleep after a hard days work, and I get woke up, to get bitched at about some pieces of construction paper (blank) that had water on them, and that turned into rant about how I dont do enough around the house, how I dont provide enough, basically that im a dirtbag, I give everything I am for her, and this is how I get treated, im deciding today whether or not I want to get new roomates, cause this is bs, i'm not even allowed to smoke weed after I get done work, most likely because I dont "deserve" it, what do you all think I should do about this situation?


Well-Known Member
Its no fun to be treated like shit.

You should talk to her before you make any decisions though.....thats usually the best option when it comes to chicks....if you've tried that and it didn't change anything.....well dump her bitchass and find a chick that appreciates you...

Life is far too short to be miserable with a girlfriend :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
She does work, we both work almost equally, I work a tad more, my second job is helping with flooring, on an average day ill spend it moving upwards of 8-10 thousand pounds of tile up 1-5 levels of stairs, and then scrape and prep all the floors to lay them down, its good money, but im pretty scrawny so after work im fairly tired, and I think I at least deserve to have a couple puffs off a joint to relax my muscles a bit

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude sounds to me like she's pissed at you for something else that or she's about to get the painters in. either way the best thing is to talk to her, or to the kerb but you don't sound ready for that.

lifes too short man

just my 2p


Well-Known Member
Yeah I could be pissed now, but if I do something now in the heat of anger, which I could regret later, I think ill wait, and talk it out, probably smart , plus im still half asleep, probably not even thinking straight, but still, this has been going on for awhile


Well-Known Member
You show no love for woman man. Woman oddly enough like to be treated bad because some how they think they can fix the person. I use to treat girls good and give em half of what I had lol until they started not appreciating shit. Then I found a girl who I treated like shit the first day i met her that called me the very next day after we met (don't know how she got my number...) 8 times until I picked up. I treat her like shit to this day and she's around. Its called the 6 degree theory, treat a girl like shit or pay them no attention and they want you more, wine and dine them and adore them and they most likely want you less. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I just dont think I have it in me to treat anyone like shit unless I truly hate them, which is even rarer, im generally always a nice and positive person, maybe I need to change that, cant make it in the world by being nice anymore bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
mysticlown150 dude no offence but we all know your life choices are pretty fucked up
No offense taken. It has been proven though. Ever heard of absence make the heart grow fonder? This is the truth. I watched an episode about it on the science channel its called the 6th degree theory. If you ignore someone they will be more attracted to you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, lifes too short. Dump the bitch now and move on. You've tried and now it's time to split. Don't look back, someday you'll have a female that will appreciate the help and maybe even roll joints for ya (like my present (3rd) wife does). Next time never do anymore than you are asked to. You can spoil a female just like a dog or a kid. Never do dishes or clean anything that you didn't do. Maybe when you retire then you can help out.


Well-Known Member
No offense taken. It has been proven though. Ever heard of absence make the heart grow fonder? This is the truth. I watched an episode about it on the science channel its called the 6th degree theory. If you ignore someone they will be more attracted to you.
The 6th degree theory, or 6 degrees of seperation refers to this:

Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
No offense taken. It has been proven though. Ever heard of absence make the heart grow fonder? This is the truth. I watched an episode about it on the science channel its called the 6th degree theory. If you ignore someone they will be more attracted to you.
yeah it is the truth the whole treat em mean keep em keen thing but it only works with a certain type of chick/dude personally i prefer not having to be a dick to get some. ( not saying your an dick btw ) man everything i say just comes out wrong lately


Well-Known Member
The 6th degree theory, or 6 degrees of seperation refers to this:

Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth
hahaha I just read this yesterday so when he mentioned 6 degree theory I was like wtf?

but yeah man, I wouldn't deal with a bitch like that for a second. no chick is worth that in your life.


Well-Known Member
I won't go as far as to say leave her, since obviously at one point you too were happy together. But what you should do is sit down and try to figure out where she gets off thinkin you don't do enough around the house. She may of been raised thinkin the dishes wash themselves. You just gotta start makin her do her fair share of the work. If she doesn't smoke weed I can see why she wouldn't want you smokin in the house but ifyou drive your own car she has no say what you do in it. She seems to be narciccistic, so it probably won't work, but at least you can sa you tried to make it work.


Well-Known Member
Quit doing things around the house, see if she appreciates it then. It may be time to lay down the law about things. My girlfriend used to be pretty bitchy. One day I just laid down how things were going to be. Told her I was smoking pot whenever, where ever I wish, and to quit bitching about stupid shit or she could find someone else to bitch at. Things have been great since, were actually engaged now.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say to treat them like shit, you still want a mutual respect for each other. But if they start acting bitchy, they definitely need to be made to know that it won't fly. If they don't respect you, then you'll lose respect for them, and everything will go to shit.


New Member
women are ticking time bombs of hormones me and mine just got back together today although we've been doin' it since we broke up and living together and doing the same shit we always did. that sucks dude. my condolences.


Well-Known Member
Try this. Get stoned and read the GOR books by John norman. if you do it long enough you will start to look at women in a different way.