Reliable app for smartphones to read lux

The apps are pretty helpful when switching between lights, t5s to led/hid etc. Even if not totally accurate, you can get a ballpark figure of lux at your canopy with one light, then know if you need to raise or lower the new light. They don't need to be accurate, just consistent to be useful in certain instances, or for newbies.
That's how I do it. I still use one of these crappy ass things and make an estimate based off of my already established lights.

problem with lux is the limited range.

not getting much of your blue nor the red, could create lots inconsistency when switching between light spectre.
this Korona seems to be measuring RGB and seems to be usefull, when used with a difuser paper.
Thanks for mentioning our app! :) Just wanted to let you know that the app is now called Photone:
So crazy you had to change the name. Just noticed it updated on my phone