Reliable Bitcoin exchange that honors Moneygram/Western Union?


New Member
I initially tried mtgox but if verify locked my account, apparently because i was using tor when i set it up, so im weary to use it again... Anyone know of an exchange that accepts MG or WU? Much thanks for push in the right direction. I just cant find anything on google that id trust...


New Member
OR, how to i exactly go about using mtgox with out it verify locking my account? I have exactly 50 bucks to my name so im not trying to risk it at all. Could someone walk me through this? Im really eager to get this show on the road...


New Member
I have no room for bs, right now i have a 100 bucks locked, because apparently i was using Tor when i made my account. I made a new account with tor off, but in the merchant tools section its asking for verification, shouldnt it have a withdraw link there? Help appreciated to the highest order ofcourse :-P


Staff member
im confused at what youre asking but i know you dont need 2 threads for it.


New Member
.. I want to use Mtg0x, but when i initially set up an account and put 100 bucks on, i couldnt withdraw anything until i 'verified' my account.. that is gave my identity, a scan of my ID and a Scan of a proof of residency. I was told this happens when your using Tor when you set up an account.. Wich i think i did. Ok so i set up another account not usint tor, and im weary to put money on because under merchant tools, where i beleive there should be a withdraw link, theres a 'verify my account' link... Feel?