Reliable Seedbank Info

What's up ya'll? I want to pass along some info on a great seedbank that I found. Peak Seeds BC ( is an outfit I found on Green Man's Seedbank Update ( where they enjoy a 4-star + rating. Their Seeds are sold in packs of ten (20 pack for mixed)
$40.00 US per pack for all orders outside of Canada. $30.00 CA per pack for Canadian orders. Free world-wide shipping. They offer some tasty looking strains. I ordered their Northern Lights (product code NL) and their Sweet Skunk (product code SS) varieties. The Honcho at Peak Seeds BC, a guy named MJ, was quick with a response to all of my emails and my order was processed with world-class speed; just 25 days from start to finish - that's only 12 business days - not counting weekends. If you've ever been ripped off by a seed bank or just looking for a reliable source for seed stock, then I heartily recommend that you give these guys a look. My seeds arrived packed stealthy in a non-descript white envelope. Inside, the seeds were stuffed into the channels of a small piece of corrugated plastic that appears able to surive the worst of treatment... short of being run over by a steam-roller. The plastic piece was taped to a letter-sized piece of foam that was wrapped in heavy-bond, letter-sized paper. You can email MJ at (
[email protected]) As my kid would say, "these guys are the shit." Peace brothers.


Well-Known Member
Not saying their not legit buuuuuuut I still wouldn't trust someone posting in a new growers section, with 17 posts... And it's probably the seed company making the post. But yes I would trust your opinion only after reading some of your posts. And its nothing against you but ive been on here and seen a shitload of posts and think damn this person must know his shit but then look thru posts and 99% of it would be posts from sections like talk and tolk. I could just be overly paranoid but hey what do you expect I'm a stoner that has to worry about shit like that on a daily basis
and tell me why we would trust someone with 17 posts??????
Not sure how sound you logic is here; more posts on this site = better quality info? OK, I guess we all have to filter the info receive through our own truth tests. In the end though, your opinion matters about as much to me as the asswipe I flushed this morning. My posts speak for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Naw I still wouldn't trust it.... Nothing against you personally but like I said, sure sounds like your advertising for someone...

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
there legit all day long, i have all of his genetics

but can you edit your orig post and delete the shipping methods please


Well-Known Member
Why do people get so upset when people talk about the stealth shipping?
If anyone (cops, etc,) wanted to know how they package shit, they'd order a pack and have evidence for themselves.
You think people are now going to be at the post office going "They slipped up in one of their forums, we have those hippies now -hey look for a white envelope that feels like there's something in it!"
Come on...
as far as the seedbank, thanks for adding it. I've only ever used attitude because I have always gotten my order.. so if it ain't broke...
But a bank in Canada has appeal to me too - so thanks - I'll check them out.


Well-Known Member
Like I said I'm sure their legit but hey you never know... Like above poster I like to order from a company with a LONG track record. All I'm sayin is be weary of posts like that. You can't say that post didn't sound like an advertisement??


Well-Known Member
Not sure how sound you logic is here; more posts on this site = better quality info? OK, I guess we all have to filter the info receive through our own truth tests. In the end though, your opinion matters about as much to me as the asswipe I flushed this morning. My posts speak for themselves.
and what posts??? you have like a total of 20 posts.


Well-Known Member
Like above poster I like to order from a company with a LONG track record. All I'm sayin is be weary of posts like that. You can't say that post didn't sound like an advertisement??
Peak has been around for about 10+ years if I'm not mistaken, Attitude about 3
It did not sound like an advertisement to me


Well-Known Member
you guys can argue with me all you want but I'm just trying to look out for people who don't know any better.. and i'm pretty sure attitudes been around for like 6 years


Well-Known Member
you guys can argue with me all you want but I'm just trying to look out for people who don't know any better.. and i'm pretty sure attitudes been around for like 6 years
I'm not arguing with you, 'cause I don't respect your opinion. If anything Attitude has been around less than 3 years. I know they didn't exist when I joined here which was about 3 years ago.