Religion a form of Control?


Well-Known Member
Funny how the side without God always loses.
When sons forget everything fathers teach we become idiots, I'm curious Atheist, who taught you not to believe in God? Sure as hell wasn't your parents, well at least not your grand parents. Wise as donkeys, as harmless as a thumb tack.
So what imaginary man in the sky did your parent force you to worship ?


Well-Known Member

  • Why can't I compare birds to humans?

because birds brains are different from human brains. THey do have similarities as in neurons and synapses, but the way they function is very different.

  • We have instincts just like they do.

yes, but very different instincts at that. i dont think birds have the ability to either stay and fight or fly away when threatened. When they have chicks around it is a natural reaction to protect its young, but they cannot think for themselves as we do... we have a prefrontal lobe, all other animals do not which gives us that ability.

  • Humans have internal mechanisms like a compass too,

yes, we do, but not as good as the birds. As soon as you take the horizon out of the picture and the sun, like in very dense woods, you will walk in circles all day long... a bird does not have this disadvantage because they can fly and have constant visual of the horizon and the sun or moon.

  • we also have a pretty accurate internal clock.

this "internal clock" you speak is brought about by our circadian rhythm which comes from our highly evolved brain. This was not possible for our ancestors because they did not have the right structures developed enough to work the way ours do.

  • It's not that it's 'underdeveloped', it is just as developed as your brain is,

this is totally false man! there were many structures in our ancestors brains that were very underdeveloped. what i mean by underdeveloped is that they did not function in the way ours do and they did not evolve certain structures till further down the evolutionary timeline such as broca's and wernekes area that are used for speech and semantics.

  • their development just went in a different direction than ours did.

what direction?


Well-Known Member
are you saying i do not know what instincts are? I do know what they are and that is why i questioned pad about it... These were our earliest ancestors which leads me to believe that their brain was very primitive so much so that these instincts we speak of and these brain functions that take place could not have been possible so early on our evolutionary chain.

I parsed this sentence a few times and the only conclusion I can come up with is you don't know what instincts are. What does it mean 'to know' when talking about instinctual behavior? Instincts come from the reptilian brain


Well-Known Member
are you saying i do not know what instincts are? I do know what they are and that is why i questioned pad about it... These were our earliest ancestors which leads me to believe that their brain was very primitive so much so that these instincts we speak of and these brain functions that take place could not have been possible so early on our evolutionary chain.
Did you read the link?


Well-Known Member
Yes, so why werent they able to communicate like us if these structures were present millions of years ago?

QUOTE=mindphuk;6847712]Did you read the link?[/QUOTE]