Religion a placebo effect?


Well-Known Member
The whole mind over matter thing has been proven to be true, so is that the main thing religion plays off? Also why do most religions teach to preach their message to young kids, is it because they know once they get old enough to critically think they'll discern that a white haired blue eyed man being born in the middle east to a virgin mother smells a little fishy? On a side note it really scares me that people in this country wont vote for someone who doesnt make it publicly known that they believe in this hoopla. But that might be the media monsters fault more then the actual religions, but still, its fuckin scary lol.

The world would be so much better if people stopped fighting over what they believe in, and realize if a god or gods do exist they must have created all of us, so why argue about something nobody has proof of, better yet why kill in the name of it?

Personally i have no fuckin idea if god exists or if whatever is in this dimension is the end all be all, but i do know no motherfucker in their right mind knows exactly what/who god is, and what he wants us to do. And the people that claim to, usually want one thing after they let you in on their "sacred knowledge"...and thats how fat your checkbook is.


New Member
Anything is real if you believe enough in it. The mind can definitely get up to some weird, crazy shit, and just like dreams are "real", so is religion. Religion is ritual, religion is custom and tradition, it's the routine of everyday life for many people.
Many people replace belief in a religion with something else - communism, capitalism, weed, whatever. When people get fanatical about something, that's when the problems start. Although I think it is a natural thing - peace and conflict are cycles, like history is a rhyming poem. What goes around comes around... People kill in the pursuit of weed, but it's a different weed for them than it is for you and me. Weed for them means status, money, material wealth, respect, etc...


Active Member
why do most religions teach to preach their message to young kids, is it because they know once they get old enough to critically think they'll discern that a white haired blue eyed man being born in the middle east to a virgin mother smells a little fishy?
We're not suppose to teach kids about the bible until 11 or 13, Bar Mitzvah's got started to celebrate the person being old enough to understand the bible.
Islam is similar, you can't sin until puberty because kids are not capable of understanding the Quran.
it really scares me that people in this country wont vote for someone who doesnt make it publicly known that they believe in this hoopla. But that might be the media monsters fault more then the actual religions, but still, its fukin scary lol.
Half of people that grow up with religion treat it like a culture instead of a religion, there should be a law that says you're not religious unless you read the book of the religion you want to be part of.
The world would be so much better if people stopped fighting over what they believe in, and realize if a god or gods do exist they must have created all of us, so why argue about something nobody has proof of, better yet why kill in the name of it?
I think the problem is the difference in lifestyle's, I doubt most christians care about nerds being atheist because they just read all day and don't get tons of sex.