Religion has more proof to it than Evolution!?


Well-Known Member
I was recently watching a video on YouTube (Ricky Gervais - Bible (Animals) - From his Animals stand-up show.

And in the comments (Yes I was bored and actually read some of the comments lol), there were people saying that they believe the bible has more proof to it than the theory of evolution...

Now, I have nothing against people believing what ever they choose to believe in, if it helps them, if they believe it makes them a better person than fine.

With modern science, the discovery of micro-organisms, cells, molecules etc.
How can you possibly say the bible has more proof?

These days, when a girl says "I don't know how I'm pregnant, I've never had sex or even been near a man before!"
The general reaction would be; "OBVIOUSLY you're LYING"

So why is it that when 'Mary' got pregnant, it was treated as 'immaculate conception' ??? Man, about 300 girls at the high school I went to must be giving birth to the next Jesus, cause according to their parents; "they weren't even sexually active, how can they be pregnant?"

There's ignorance and arrogance, very dangerous when mixed.

I have a feeling that the bible would be a bit more believable if it was actually CORRECTLY translated in the first place!

A quick example:
The Old Testament talks about almah 'young woman,' not bethulah 'virgin.' However, the scholars in the 3rd century BC translated the Hebrew almah as parthenos in Greek. Thus the 'young woman' in Hebrew metamorphosed into a 'virgin' in Greek—and she has remained a virgin ever since in translations across the world. The notion of 'virgin birth' was born, thanks to a mistranslation.

Therefore, the 'prophecy' of 'a virgin giving birth' - Was originally a prophecy of 'a young woman giving birth' ... Which as we all know is a SUPER RARE occurrence, specially these days :P

I'm just having a bit of a rant here. This is an on going argument, has been for centuries, so lets not expect to solve it here, people will have different opinions on this obviously.


Well-Known Member
I was recently watching a video on YouTube (Ricky Gervais - Bible (Animals) - From his Animals stand-up show.

And in the comments (Yes I was bored and actually read some of the comments lol), there were people saying that they believe the bible has more proof to it than the theory of evolution...

Now, I have nothing against people believing what ever they choose to believe in, if it helps them, if they believe it makes them a better person than fine.

With modern science, the discovery of micro-organisms, cells, molecules etc.
How can you possibly say the bible has more proof?

These days, when a girl says "I don't know how I'm pregnant, I've never had sex or even been near a man before!"
The general reaction would be; "OBVIOUSLY you're LYING"

So why is it that when 'Mary' got pregnant, it was treated as 'immaculate conception' ??? Man, about 300 girls at the high school I went to must be giving birth to the next Jesus, cause according to their parents; "they weren't even sexually active, how can they be pregnant?"

There's ignorance and arrogance, very dangerous when mixed.

I have a feeling that the bible would be a bit more believable if it was actually CORRECTLY translated in the first place!

A quick example:
The Old Testament talks about almah 'young woman,' not bethulah 'virgin.' However, the scholars in the 3rd century BC translated the Hebrew almah as parthenos in Greek. Thus the 'young woman' in Hebrew metamorphosed into a 'virgin' in Greek—and she has remained a virgin ever since in translations across the world. The notion of 'virgin birth' was born, thanks to a mistranslation.

Therefore, the 'prophecy' of 'a virgin giving birth' - Was originally a prophecy of 'a young woman giving birth' ... Which as we all know is a SUPER RARE occurrence, specially these days :P

I'm just having a bit of a rant here. This is an on going argument, has been for centuries, so lets not expect to solve it here, people will have different opinions on this obviously.
Excellent points made, GP, especially the translating part. That was a point I was trying to make.......some didn't get it......some did and some didn't give a flying :cuss: one way or the other. Words change and take on new and different meanings, but people actions don't. No it won't be solved here (w/o a lil waterboarding :lol:) but everybody's opinions is worth listening too ;-)


New Member
Greenphoenix, Yeah !!!

The bible contradicts itself all through out it. It isn't the direct word of god or jesus, it is the different interpretations of peoples experiences with jesus. It was passed down for how long by mouth before it was put into writing?

It's a novel. I'm science all the way.

Check out this

It's about the pyramids and how they were built, where we may have come from, blah, blah, blah.......

it's 4 parts, 10 minutes per part, but it's very interesting. There's quite a few videos by this guy, he's a freaking genius.


New Member
I'm going to run along with the video and jot down things to debunk everything this jackass says.......please bear with me.

God didn't write the bible, the bible is a compilation of different peoples experiences with Jesus, which were told by mouth until someone got around to writing it down. Remember that game telephone? Yep, when you pass words by mouth, they don't end up the same was when they started.......checkmate......

The earth is millions of years old, the pyramids that were recently discovered under water near Japan are at least 10,000 years old......oh snap.....

I'll believe the "scientist freaks" .....thank you.

Who is the delusional asshole on this video, I hope he covers dinosaurs, I really, need a laugh..........

Even with actual tangible proof of evolution in museums, he still says it can't be true. Stay away from koolaid.......just

Maybe scientists are "wrong" about the bible because the bible is fiction??????

Maybe the bones of "giants" were in the bible because the people back in those days would occasionally stumble across a dinosaur bone while digging, maybe found some in caves.........

Yes it's the 21 century, let's follow a bunch of wives tales that came from 2000 years ago and more.

OH yes, the world is comsumed in fire, but your unsinged body will float through the air to "paradise" (maybe we'll get some virgins when we get there :wink: )

All the people in the world praying and god hears you? Are you sure he's listening? What is that virgin birth thing? There's thousands of "virgins" giving birth these days, why isn't it any kind of big deal?

Believing in an invisible guy in the sky isn't deluded?


New Member
I live in an area that can be considered bible belt-ish. Saying you don't believe in god around he is .......gasp.....a.....shocker to people. "You don't believe in our heavenly divine creator? Oh let me pray for your soul that will rot in eternal hell....." No thanks don't bother..........

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh fuck I hear ya.I don't live too far Iowa, in a backwards inbred town.And they're fucking idiots for the most part.
I live in an area that can be considered bible belt-ish. Saying you don't believe in god around he is .......gasp.....a.....shocker to people. "You don't believe in our heavenly divine creator? Oh let me pray for your soul that will rot in eternal hell....." No thanks don't bother..........


stays relevant.
You're not the only people in your areas that don't believe in all that I'm sure... I say when it comes to peoples faith, let them believe what they want so long as it doesn't prevent you from believing what you want.


New Member
But do they have to come around banging on my door to tell me what they believe? I don't go to their house and bother them to tell them what I believe.


Well-Known Member
I think it's just cause religious people are scared, and would rather be scared of something they don't "know". It makes a lot of sense that way..... .....but i could be really wrong. maybe they're worried....

Just Live Man