Religion has more proof to it than Evolution!?


Well-Known Member
Bro theres is tons of logical evidence on this subject I mean libraries full of scientific research, field studies, archaeological evidence, dude if you actually knew anything about this subject you would know that. But evidence doesn't matter to people like you, because you watch some tin foil hat yahoo on youtube and think your on to some great conspiracy by the academic community. You need to back to school and take some science courses because you have no clue heres your tin foil hat
im watching the vid right now, and he says something like: you cant get phd in archaeology if you say little green men did it(amazingly enough he is saying this sarcastically). Of course you cannot get a phd in archaeology making claims like that, there is absolutely no evidence to back it up. Archaeology is a science, scientific theories require evidence. The fact that the pyramids are incredible structures, and exactlly how they were built is still somewhat of a mystery is not evidence of aliens.
Whoa direct personal attack on rollitup members, tisk tisk, tis against the rules :P lol ... Don't put ur whoas with those videos on me, I didn't post the videos or the links. I just enjoying seeing evidence and theories that contradict the mainstream and can't be answered completely logically by the "experts" in their fields.

Hahaha, no doubt that saying little green men built the pyramids is pretty fukd up.
And I'm doing my best not to take sides here because I have my own personal beliefs and I believe everybody is entitled to their opinion.

But anyone who has not been severely influenced by the mainstream media and brainwashed into a psychological prison, as have so many great people of the world, can see that the "evidence" doesn't stack up properly.

There's also no doubt that this guy manipulates the data he has to make his point stronger, as does EVERY expert in every field of science, that's the magical thing about data, it can be so easily manipulated to give you the "facts" that you require or are looking for.

Sorry, I'll try to keep it as short as possible.


Why is a person's view of the physcial world so limited?

The average person relying on his physical sense organs to discribe the world to him is at an extreme disadvantage. Whatever his physcial senses tell him about the physcial world around him, however incorrect that information may be, dictates what his physical world becomes. To the average person, if he cannot see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, or touch it, it simply does not exist.

Now, numerous memebers of the animal kingdom would adamantly disagree with man's physical view of the world in a number of ways. An eagle, for instance, can detect the movement of a mouse in the grass, doing so at a distance of 1 mile. Man would see nothing and argue that the mouse did not exist or be bery skeptical. A dog, whose sense of hearing is so acute could hear the slightest sound outside and across the street, responding to the sound with barking and suspicion, while master hears nothing and considers it to be nothing. A shark sense of smell is so acute that it could detect blood in water to the ratio of one part in one million.

Understand? To animals the physical world they come in contact with everyday lies well beyond the reach of the inferior senses of man to detect. In comparison, Man is basically blind, deaf, and insensitive to the realities existing around him.

In ignorance, man pompously and foolishly says " I know what the physical world is like. I can see it, touch it , hear it, taste it, and smell it! How can anything else exist?"

It is for this reason that man misses so much of the truth concerning the world around him.

On another Aliens exist...Of course they do...look at all the different life forms around you.

Good info coming in GP....Good thread
That's a good way to put it, animals do sense a lot of things we do not, we call it "sensing things" but to them it is as physically real as sitting in a chair. lol

well no one really knos what is tru, so whats the point of trying to make people believe in god or try making people not believe, i jus keep to myself, like everyone else should, i mean your just as bad as the people coming to your door, because all your doin is the oppisite, there trying to make people believe, while your trying to make them not believe, or try and put them down, its basically the same thing, or thats how i look at it, and again, i jus keep my mouth shut, if everyone was like that, then religion wouldnt be such a touchy topic
We're not forcing this on you by coming to your door, you chose to read it lol. Gaining more info just makes for a more informed decision, based on what you chose or do not chose to believe.

Seen as natrone23 seems to know so much more than everybody else here on the subjects of Archeology, Egyptology, Physics, Theoretical Physics, History and Science in general... I must ask him/her... Is it impossible to believe that once (in times of these ancient civilizations and previous civilizations) technology based on essentially the opposite of the reactive, explosive technology we have, existed, whether it be technology of ancient humans or of 'aliens'? There's no doubt that it is true that we, modern civilization, do severely lack contractive, space time curvature technology (they should change those names to something cooler lol).

But yea, I still believe the Earth's flat, coz I can't open my mind further than that... Also, planes can't really fly and boats don't float, it's all just illusions made by witch craft :D


Well-Known Member
. Is it impossible to believe that once (in times of these ancient civilizations and previous civilizations) technology based on essentially the opposite of the reactive, explosive technology we have, existed, whether it be technology of ancient humans or of 'aliens'? There's no doubt that it is true that we, modern civilization, do severely lack contractive, space time curvature technology (they should change those names to something cooler lol).
Its not impossible, but is highly unlikely considering there is absolute no evidence to support it..................................however we do a have a mountains full of evidence pointing to egyptians building the pyramids themselves


New Member
You should watch the youtube link I posted about the pyramids. It's a mind opener for sure. The part about the 5 ton blocks being removed from the base of the sphinx to carve it and then being put back is pretty good.

There is also some stuff about the Egyptians writing down every part of their way of life from bathing to eating yet no where did they write " we built the pyramids" you'd think that would be something they'd have written down. If mean really, their lifes work and they didn't jot down anything at all about it?

Personally I don't see the Egyptians having the technology nor the means to build something of this scale. Remember they lived in a desert, where would they get the logs that were said to have been used, or the vine ropes they were said to have used? People 100 years ago came up with the theory of how the Egyptians built the pyramids and those theorys are still being taught as truth today.

Those pyramids that were discovered off the coast of Japan are dated at 10,000 years old.


Well-Known Member
Personally I don't see the Egyptians having the technology nor the means to build something of this scale. Remember they lived in a desert, where would they get the logs that were said to have been used, or the vine ropes they were said to have used?

Do a little research miss.........the egyptians were an empire, they had sea going vessels and participated in sea trade throughout the Mediterranean trading in all kind of goods including guess what timber..... Cedar of Lebanon was important to various civilizations. The trees were used by the ancient Phoenicians for building trade and military ships, as well as houses and temples. The Egyptians used its resin for mummification, and its sawdust was found in the pharaoh's tombs. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh designates the cedar groves of Lebanon as the dwelling of the gods to where Gilgamesh ventured. They once burned cedar in their ceremonies

Ever heard of the bent pyramid, it is one of the first pyramids, when they built it, they messed up on the planning with you think the aliens would have messed it up

here is another mistake by the egyptians its known as the collapsed pyramid, it collapsed during construction

These type of pyramids are called step pyramids and they are earlier than the previous 2 i stated. These step pyramids were modeled after mastabas the earliest egyptian tombs, essentially the step pyramids were 6 mastabas stacked on top of each other

The old kingdom which was was when most of the pyramids were built lasted for over 1000 years, you can see the progression of the tombs from simple square tombs (mastabas) to the grand pyramids of giza, Each pharaoh trying to best there predecessor by building a more grand tomb and learning from past mistakes ie bent pyramid, collapsed pyramid.

heres some other interesting ancient civilzations.

he ancients weren't hunter and gatherers, they had great civilization that lasted 100's and some like the egyptians lasted thousands of years. They understood mathematics, sophisticated written language, participated in trade throughout the medtereanan, participated in great military campaigns, they built grand palaces and tombs ect ect ect


Well-Known Member
those so called "pyramids" were proven to be a natural geological feature
They were never proven to be natural, that is yet another theory in retaliation to the theory that they were built.

I feel like playing Age of Empires now hahaha ... It's impressive how this thread has evolved, and how we all chose to be so convicted about things that will never really affect us lol.

P.S - Wikipedia is a horrible source as it can be edited by any member of the public and so always follows the mainstream... Good for High School assignments though t ;)


Well-Known Member
P.S - Wikipedia is a horrible source as it can be edited by any member of the public and so always follows the mainstream... Good for High School assignments though t ;)
All that information can be found in peer reviewed Scientific Journals too, If I was writing a paper for college I would use scientific journals but since this not an an academic enviroment standards are not as high;)


New Member
So then why didn't the egyptians write "hey BTW we built the pyramids"? They wrote down everything else including their bathing practices, don't you think they'd write something about their lifes work?

2 million 300 thousand stone blocks went into building the great pyramid. We couldn't build the thing today with all of our technology, how could they have built it? Think about if for a bit.

The 3 main pyramids that align with the stars in Orion's belt weren't tombs and none of them contained any writings. The pyramids built as tombs were located in a different valley and those contained writings.


New Member
To build them and have them last as long as they have, no I don't think we could. We use too much fabricated crap, hell where is the world trade center today? All it took was fire for it to be a goner.


Active Member
The elongated skulls and the beings they belonged to along with the megolithic architecture are to me undeniable proof of a highly adanced society that lived before our own. I dont care what people say.. its a fact in my mind and the worlds biggest cover up. I believe in aliens and these people may have well been aliens.. hell were probably aliens and are too amnesiac to know it.

I am also a christian.. i believe in evolution. I believe in religion more for the fact that it instills a necessary moral fiber in people, rather than a being that picked up some dust one day and poof here we were.


Well-Known Member
Yes im kinda late but just recently they have been looking through stone tablets with writing that the oldest known civilization (Sumerians) had been just left in pile labeled mythology and if your interested in where we came from theres lots of interesting things these people wrote go to youtube look it up .....Sumerians and the Annunaki.......I left out a lot but I encourage people to check it out its very interesting..


Active Member
you gotta check it out i been reading on this stuff all night.. the supporting factors to this theory on the origin of life are quite compelling and really believable.

So do you think this has any prevelance with Dec. 21 2012. I do. but then again i think something is actually going to happen on 12212012 most people prob dont.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of theories on Dec. 12 2012, but they all share that date for some reason??? ... That is supposedly when the sun reaches it's next solar peak or what ever it's called though ... Sun becomes more active, world heats up = Government labels global warming lol ... Who really knows anything in this world!?


Well-Known Member
Can I laugh at all you clowns on Dec 13 2012
I'm not saying the world will end, it is scientifically proven that then sun does peak in 2012 ... 'Spose science is another religion you don't believe ... Rather believe in ol' pressy bush-man hahaha!
Anyway enough of the sillynessness, I laughed at everyone the day after the great Y2K!!! Ahh!!! lol

Cool to hear everyone's theories and opinions, beliefs etc.

Natrone, this is a cannabis growing forum, smoke some of that shit and lighten the f**k up :) haha - But your opinion is welcome here anyway :D

Have a super awesome day all!


Active Member
One thing that has always interested me is that every religious person I have ever met thinks they are right... Looking at it in the big picture, what makes one religion better than another???