

Well-Known Member
There are alternatives bro, my friend just could not have the full catholic wedding (thank god!! thats shit is way too long for me to sit through!) he had a partial cerimony but it was still recognized by the church. On the other hand if your girlfriend is forcing you to convert that's another story. Tolerance is key in my book and if someone is truly religious they should be tolerant of others views.

that's awesome, so glad you commented. thanks a lot =)


Well-Known Member
I worked it all out because I have a way with words and shit like that. and talked some sense into her


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear you worked it out and here's my input.

Having been raised as a catholic and gone to a couple different catholic schools, I believe that the Church paints God to be an vengeful guy just to scare us into doing what they say. My mom raised us as Catholics, but always made the point that we should think for ourselves and decide what we think is right. I always thought that God must not be as mean as they say he is if he truly "loves each one of his children". If you're not a Catholic you're not going to go straight to hell. I believe there's a force up there that has influence on my life and will help me when I need it. But when I see the people around me dying, it makes me hesitate. All in all, use your brain and do what you believe is right.

Just because you don't have the same views as the Catholic Church doesn't mean that you won't benefit from being a part of it. The teachings of peace and love still resinate in my daily life, even though I haven't been in years. Maybe give it a chance.:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear you worked it out and here's my input.

Having been raised as a catholic and gone to a couple different catholic schools, I believe that the Church paints God to be an vengeful guy just to scare us into doing what they say. My mom raised us as Catholics, but always made the point that we should think for ourselves and decide what we think is right. I always thought that God must not be as mean as they say he is if he truly "loves each one of his children". If you're not a Catholic you're not going to go straight to hell. I believe there's a force up there that has influence on my life and will help me when I need it. But when I see the people around me dying, it makes me hesitate. All in all, use your brain and do what you believe is right.

Just because you don't have the same views as the Catholic Church doesn't mean that you won't benefit from being a part of it. The teachings of peace and love still resinate in my daily life, even though I haven't been in years. Maybe give it a chance.:peace::peace::peace:
Yeah I pretty much feel the same as you do. I told my girlfriend I'd love to go to church with her and all of that because I think learning about God, especially from different religious aspects, is important to my daily life and I find it all fairly interesting. but she wanted me to convert, she told me our marriage would be a lie to her if it wasn't recognized by the catholic church. that is what set me off..I accepted her views and religious choices but she was disregarding mine. at one point i offered to become catholic for that one day and then deny that I ever went through the process of being part of the catholic church..but she wasn't into that either.

it wasn't until I told her we could still be married in the catholic church if I weren't catholic, that it just wouldn't be a full ceremony when she was cool. then after thinking, she apologized and realized what she was doing to me..I mean, I even gave in and offered to become catholic and go to church, just not call myself a catholic. I'd do that for her, but she wasn't accepting me. when she figured that out she said sorry and everything. w/e idc...we probably didn't have to get married, I would have dated her for the rest of my life if her religion was going to get in the way.

but this experience has almost set me against religion, when before it just wasn't for me. I'm not sure how I feel about that now I need to think on it.