Religious Stoners.

The thing about government and organized religion is that they each serve the other's interests. People have known this since befor the Holy Roman Empire. Religion is there to essentially stupify the people, causing them to NEVER ask any important questions for the sake of their souls. While Government basically has free reign to TRAIN the people, make them think that taxes are a good thing, war = peace, slavery = freedom, shit like that. Because of religion, governments have become more powerful with the ability to impose rediculus, self-serving bueraucratic bullshit while the people pray and obey. And in turn, no church/synagouge/mosque whatever in the US pays taxes. Seems like a match made in (sic) ?heaven?

Heres the deal, alllllllllllll governments throughout history, whether it be controlled by noblemen, kings, presidents, emporers, senators... have tried to gain more power than the masses of people that they govern collectively wield. in other words the mass of people are the most powerful force which could undo an empire if they had the will to make it so. hopefully with the precession of the next Age everyone will realize...
I am a Christian and I smoke weed simply because I love weed, and I truly believe god put it here to make this world a better place.