Remember when you were little?


Well-Known Member
cant say i know exactly what your going through,but i will say that whatever it may be will pass everything changes always,for better or worse,still your choice.



Well-Known Member
I'm middle aged and I'm a fucking kid. (thanks to DMT, it justs puts the awe of childhood right back on your face permanently after 5 minutes, once off.
Sure, I'm a little grumpy but then again I was even when I was a kid.

I can remeber assembling my first puzzle (pink panther) when I was 1 year old.
I remeber my pet rat and getting my first 2 cats from when I was 2.
Age 3 to 5 Irember quite well, a bit from when I was 9 and the rest was over so fast it was a blur.


Well-Known Member
I'm middle aged and I'm a fucking kid. (thanks to DMT, it justs puts the awe of childhood right back on your face permanently after 5 minutes, once off.
Sure, I'm a little grumpy but then again I was even when I was a kid.

I can remeber assembling my first puzzle (pink panther) when I was 1 year old.
I remeber my pet rat and getting my first 2 cats from when I was 2.
Age 3 to 5 Irember quite well, a bit from when I was 9 and the rest was over so fast it was a blur.
That's what I do to. I spend my free time by either smoking pot, ripping DMT, or drifting off into child like dreams. Oh the blissfulness of temporarily warping my mind.


Well-Known Member
Who said something about eating M&M's and smiling when things become too much? Show yourself ha. Well I'm stealing your philosophy.


i know right! what happened to never worrying about anything accept like lunch! Id love to go back to making flower chains all day without worrying about sunburn or breaking my nails or playing in the playground for hours on end imagining its a forrest and then a space ship and a boat without being stoned! and skipping! what happened to skipping! boobs happened thats what! skipping hurts now....


Well-Known Member
i know right! what happened to never worrying about anything accept like lunch! Id love to go back to making flower chains all day without worrying about sunburn or breaking my nails or playing in the playground for hours on end imagining its a forrest and then a space ship and a boat without being stoned! and skipping! what happened to skipping! boobs happened thats what! skipping hurts now....
Rep for you.. I'm gonna go buy a kiddie pool and sit in it until I can successfully imagine myself as a sailor.. I'm probably gonna die of hunger and thirst though :/.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna ball myself up in a dark corner, start crying and sobering as loud as I can, and scream/sing childhood favorite theme songs off the top of my lungs. HONG KONG PHOOEY, NUMBER ONE SUPERGUY. HONG KONG PHOOEY, QUICKER THAN THE HUMAN EYE.

buddha webb

New Member
Im 40,
and im really keen on weed and still have my powdered Cubensis shrooms that i pick this time of year and dry em into powder,i eat about 6-9 gms of powder about once every 2 months and still love........anyway..Honk Kong Phooey should have been knighted! you remember top cat? the smell of play doh (marzipan) being a kid and staring out of a rain streaked window waiting for something or someone.....being a kid and not being able to go out....smells...old favourite trainers........Remembering splits my head wide open sometimes and i remember the maddest shit from years back,,yet i cant remember why i stand clueless in the kitchen sometimes wondering what am i doing???................Bbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
staring out of a rain streaked window ,yet i cant remember why i stand clueless in the kitchen sometimes wondering what am i doing???................Bbongsmilie
watching the rain hit slow motion to look like snow. im 23 and still go into the kitchen wondering why. same with cleaning.


Well-Known Member
I'm 31 now, and my parents passed away 2 months apart a couple of years ago. It was the hardest thing that I have ever had to deal with in my life. I don't know of much else that could be harder next to losing your own kid. My parents were in their early 50's, so I didn't really expect it to happen when they were still so young. They had alot of health issues along with the fact that they were both alchoholics. Anyways after they passed, I fell into a deep depression, and all I thought about was when I was a young kid. Life was so fucking good. I mean I thought that my life was perfect. I thought we we rich. We lived in a house with a basement. We had a pool and a fenced in backyard. I remember pitching baseball all day in the back yard with my dad. I was the pitcher, and he was the catcher. My dog would be running back and forth chasing the ball as we threw it between us. It was such a great time in my life. I remember my parents taking me to my baseball games, and yelling so loud at me after I got a base hit. I was so embarassed. Man did they take my games so seriously. I still get a laugh out of it when I reminisce about it.

In reality, I lived in a household that lived paycheck to paycheck. I got free lunch at school. We were considered by the government to be living at poverty level. I didn't realize that until I was much older. My parents made sure that I always had everything that I needed though. I had a great childhood, and I give all the credit to my parents. Now I feel that my purpose in life is to make sure that my kids have that same kind of experience in their childhoods. I don't have any kids of my own, but my ex has 2 kids that I consider my own and do anything for. They have giving me that happy outlook that I thought I had lost forever.

Life as an adult is extremely hard, but I believe that you can still find some happiness again. Hang in there and things will get better as long as you don't give up. And don't let this depression lead you into doing hard drugs. That will make you even more depressed and cause many many more problems. Believe me when I say this.

buddha webb

New Member
When i think back it was the death of my Mum when i was 21 yrs old and my Mum was 51yrs old.
I went full out drugs,heavy,lost all friends,from death,and it was at the lowest point that i left the UK
and travelled and filled my head with strangeness and newness to try fight addictions...nearly killed
me many times...
Sorry for hi jacking your life story kentucky,you sound like a very good hearted man,and i wish you well,i think youve been to the bottom too...and got out...............B


Well-Known Member
When i think back it was the death of my Mum when i was 21 yrs old and my Mum was 51yrs old.
I went full out drugs,heavy,lost all friends,from death,and it was at the lowest point that i left the UK
and travelled and filled my head with strangeness and newness to try fight addictions...nearly killed
me many times...
Sorry for hi jacking your life story kentucky,you sound like a very good hearted man,and i wish you well,i think youve been to the bottom too...and got out...............B[/Q

It's all good. I've had some very hard times because of my addiction to opiates. I liked every drug that I tried, but some alot more than others. I was in a really bad way leading up to my parents passing thougfh. My partents went through a bad divorce, and I watched my mom and dad lose everything they had owned over a period of 2 years. My dad was trying to get disability, because he had diabetes and his legs and feet were fucked up. He could barely walk anymore. My mom got strung out and spent all her money from the house on drugs and ended up going to prison. My dad died the day before my mom got out of prison. Then she died exactly 2 months to the day later. Their death was the reason I got off the hard drugs and went back to college. I stayed completely sober for 2 years while I got my associate's degree. I started smoking weed again right after I graduated and got a job. I know that I hit rock bottom. At that moment, I just wished that I was dead. It took a long time, but things have finally gotten better. I'm actually happy for the first time in years. Anyways thanks for the compliment. I try to be a good hearted man.

buddha webb

New Member
sometimes we have to hit the bottom,its the only thing that makes us try and rise again.
I had Heroin problems from about 17 to 22,then i went full blown alcohol and benzoes till i was 35yrs old.soba 5 yrs.
Sorry to hear you story bro,but if your parents could see you now they would be the proudest.
We have to move on...dont look back,remembering is enough..
your brother Buddha.