Remember your First Taste of mj?


Active Member
Ha ha ha great thread mayynnnneeee my first taste of the magical herb was when I was 12 with my buddy and a home ade pipe. We lit it up and dam!!!!!!! I remember tthefirst 5 minutes of me being high like it was yesterday. Let's just say I instamtly fell in love and knew this was my one and only true love. I love mj!!!!!! PEACE and ONE LOVE!!!!!!!!

... Just love Your views! :-P


Active Member
Cheers guys keep it up, pretty interesting to hear these stories really. love how most of the posts end in ' I love MJ! haha


Well-Known Member
I was 15 and my twin brother and sister had been smoking for about a year or two before me. They talked me into it, and well, its really hard to describe. Imagine little 15 year old urca in the shed with her brother, he was lighting it for me, and it didnt have a particular taste or smell that I remember, and I wasnt hitting it right, but yet I could feel my head start to change.
Then, five bowls later and me still not high due to me not hitting it right, my brother pretty much force feeds me smoke and clamps a hand over my nose and mouth.
I had a few hits that way and I was just GONE. I started laughing like crazy, stood up for no reason, starting feeling like I was going in slow motion, and started crying for like 30 seconds, until I calmed down.
I smoked like 4 months later for the second time, then again in the spring for my third time... but then after that, like my junior year of high school, I just said fuck it and been smoking hella since


Well-Known Member
we all still talk about it, they (bro and sister) use it as a reason as to why I shouldnt do anything harder than weed


Well-Known Member
Hehe... great stories. my first time was with my cousin when I was 16. I went over to his moms and we smoked outta this huge ceramic bong name "lucile" that was this naked chick with a snake wrapped around her. That drive home was crazy

Ahhh the memories!


I was 15 when I first smoked smoked. It was after a party around like 1:45 in the back of cvs just chilling me and my boy and these two girls. The two girls were let's say 'more experienced ' then I was at the time. One of the girls kept blowing smoke in my face and my boy was like that means she wants to fuck so I was like iight. She gave me neck behind a dumpster while I was still smoking out of the blunt.afterwards I had the mean munchies and went inside 7 11 bought mad chips and big gulp of slushee cause my mouth was so dry lmao. We were walking and I saw this tiny spider on the red light idk how I saw it but it was making a web on it. Afterwards went to my friends house turned on half baked listened to it was a good day and just chilled. One of the best nights of my life