Remove lower branches?


Some say remove everything below canopy, some say remove this but not that, its very messy for a noob grower like me.

Iam currently on my first grow and i've been cutting of fan leaves like a mad man to get light under canopy aswell but the next day i swear they block it again.

Should i cut off theese small branches?
Cut off more fan leafs?
Lst more or is the canopy even enough?
Should i install a sqrog net?

Do they look healthy? :)

Thanks for any reply!Screenshot_20210510-213103_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210510-213048_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210510-213039_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210510-213026_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210510-213019_Gallery.jpg

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I would remove the first few lower branches to allow air flow and stop trying to thin the canopy
The only way you get more penetration that matters is more light


Well-Known Member
You’ve got plenty of heads imo. I would remove any lower shoots that aren’t getting sunlight as they will continue to lag behind and steal energy where it could be better used. I lollipop my plants. Pretty much anything on the lower 1/3 of the plant gets removed for better air flow and then any shoots that are going to create larf