removing males


Well-Known Member
Not fully understanding here,,,, how many plants should you plant if you want 4 plants,,, is what Im getting.....:peace:......


Well-Known Member
i want to end up with 4 female plants. some are going to be male though. so how many seeds should i plant to get 4 6 or 7? is that still confusing


Well-Known Member
It's just a 50/50 chance man you just hope for the males although i hear certain conditions do promote the plant to grow as a female.... You COULD plant 4 seeds and get 4 females.. or 4 males, it's just a 50/50 chance.

But like every1 is sayin dont take any chances b/c the pollen will travel foreva, just rip 'em out and dispose of them in a safe spot.


Well-Known Member
No problem. And like i said about the conditions just look around the forum(it probably answers it in growfaq) for what best conditions to up the chances of a female plant are. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
When I have 10 seeds, I generally plant 8 and wind up with a few females, not sure if lucky or not, but, seems to work for me,, if you dont get enough just plant a couple more,,,,,,,:peace:.......


Well-Known Member
I hear ya.... this site rocks,,, you could find an answer to any question by just lookin around a bit,,, coooool.......:peace:.......


Well-Known Member
ok........i have a totally different question now, is it ok to use swamp water or water from a creek or something to water my plants with