Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member

idk how the law is from state to state

but if you dont have a criminal record or anything then theirs no reason why your lawyer can not get it dropped to a misdemeanor and maybe just get some bullshit probation

ill be straight up with you man , i have a criminal record , im a convicted felon and i have about 6 or 7 different felonies on my record

iv been to prison 1 time , but not cause of my felonies or my record

i was on probation , and i got feed up with a bunch of different shit that comes with being on probation

i was supposed to be on probation for 5 yrs with the first year of it on intense probation

intense probation you have to come in every week or 2 and take a drug test and you have a fucking curfew

well i could not do what i use to do with my kids and they were upset alot of times and was alwys worried when i seen my p.o if i was going to jail

so i decided to activate my probation and i just did 9 months

now dont go thinking im some straight criminal ,

although i have those felonies and shit

all the trouble i got into was done when i was younger before i had my kids when i was between 18 and 21

i am 33 now , 34 in aug

i have got my act right and dont bullshit around no more , i was young and stupid

the prison thing from activating my probation was just misdemeanor for driving while license revoked ( after like my 7th time of being charged with that lol ) i just kept driving ( although i should not have )

hopefully i will get my license back this nov .

and a assault charge that was bull shit cuz i did not do it and i had proof

but thats another story

anyway my point is

from all those felonies from my past i always got probation , never got locked up for it even having the criminal record

and my lawyers were all court appointed , never hired not one

if you dont have a criminal record and this is your first offense

im pretty sure you dont got anything to worry about besides a little probation

keep your head up man , everything will be cool in the end

if you get some probation from this , so what , at least your still at home eating your own food and shit and not locked up ya know

But im in N.C

idk how the law varies from state to state , but never the less , you should be ok if this is your first offense


Well-Known Member
No, it was an unrelated reason that brought them to raid my house, and they happened upon the grow.
They were WRONG in the reasoning they had to begin with. They believed I was some kind of Drug Kingpin or something! >_<
Happened upon my grow...NOW the reason they were trying to bust me for, has been dropped, and they're trying to make me out to be some kind of weed dealer...Which as my RIU friends know, I didn't even get a fucking harvest out of my grow!!

It's just truly frustrating that now i'm facing Felony charges....
HOWEVER, I have a REALLY good Criminal Defense Attorney, he should AT THE VERY LEAST, get it knocked down to a Misdemeanor, and once I get my Cannabis card, i'm KINDA hoping that i'll be able to have all the charges completely dropped, since they can't prove I sold ANYTHING, since I DIDN'T.

And for the record...I never once for a second had the thought "omg, i need the mods to delete my account and stuff!!!" :roll:

Still, this is a horrible experience. I've been having anxiety attacks, and nightmares, they destroyed lights, flouros, bulbs, cut every cord, even broke cfl's on my carpet and left the mercury to leak out.
They also went through EVERY INCH of my room. EVERY SINGLE INCH. I have NO SECRETS from THEM anymore.
I've been violated in one of the worst ways...I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
But I hope everyone can maybe learn from it. That it's NOT paranoia when WE as a collective really do have people out to get us. They'll spend 1000's investigating our little grows and then pay EVEN more to prosecute them...

I'll still be checking RIU, and everyone's grows...just maybe not as still kinda hurts to see everyones plants looking so beautiful, KNOWING that mine are all in some trashbag in an evidence locker somewhere...


And to the SOB cop that lied to me from the second he had me cuffed...
:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger: Right here buddy....Right here.:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:
Josh I'm very sorry all of this is happening to you! :hug: and even more so sorry I haven't been around! I've been busy trying to help some friends out..on got in a bad spot and been helping him out and last night another I had to basically kidnap lol told him he is not sleeping in the park again he's coming home with me...thought sis was gonna kill me for waking her up to make sure was ok...if you care to talk josh feel free to pm me


Moderatrix of Journals
omg josh i'm so sorry about your troubles. :hug:

stay strong brudda! we're all here for you for whatever we can do for you....


Well-Known Member
Hahahah they closed renes random rambles you guys are trouble makers hahahahaha i cant wait to get another computer and join you guys in some fun gosh im just feeling left out these days ahahaha!


Well-Known Member
lol. Indeed, it seems i'm the only one who hasn't been raising hell...
But...only cause I was locked up while the banning madness was taking place. I caught the start of it, and the tail end of it, it seems.


Well-Known Member
Hahahah they closed renes random rambles you guys are trouble makers hahahahaha i cant wait to get another computer and join you guys in some fun gosh im just feeling left out these days ahahaha!
lol. Indeed, it seems i'm the only one who hasn't been raising hell...
But...only cause I was locked up while the banning madness was taking place. I caught the start of it, and the tail end of it, it seems.
Who me a trouble maker? I wanna know why my rambles were closed!!! I was banned and didn't even get to wreak havoc! Lol actually I wasn't trying to at all so thanks to the mods for unbanning me..


Well-Known Member
lookin good
Hey thanks! I've harvested sam and kloe and I'm stoked my hh strain was a success! Seems to be pretty good smoke! Only wish I could have cured it! Betty turned hermie and I chopped her (too much stress). I probably won't be finishing out the rest gotta pop in and see them in the next few days.. Its cool my buddy wants to make sure maria goes with me! He told me I couldn't leave her behind lol