shit yeah man..... I've never thought of a fucking bullfrog.... those guys will eat the hell out of some bugs.... would probably tear up an infestation in 1-2 nights if it was a yummy bug to him, and most likely find his own way back outside once they were gone..... and damn sure wouldnt hurt anything in between. We got bullfrogs everywhere down here in the summer...... gotta rep you for this one.get a bullfrog thats what i did with last grow he was cool i called him jeremiah
jeremiah was a bullfrog
on a side note, you ever fed a bullfrog bb's? Its kinda fucked up, but my grandpa showed me when I was little that you can roll lead shot at a bullfrog and he'll likely eat em until he cant hop anymore..... then he popped him upside down and started gently slapping his ass to get him to spit them back out so they wouldnt hurt him and sent him on his way..... and then told me he'd whoop my ass if he ever caught me doing it