Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Weed Modifier
thats a good yield per watt ratio
yah i was happy with it too! i keep gettin more each round! but im not doing anything more! actually doing less? im starting to figure it out, see im trying the Less is More Theory...seems to be working so far! Thanks man, as noone ever says to much about what im doing?.... i don't compare to see what other get(150)... cuz it's like golf! just me and my game...sos


New Member
im working on 4 hrs sleep thought u could take nap while well got drill but it shakes the earth and lots of racket

Lmao haven't put them in yet have to go get food and more smoke then home to water and put carts in..*sigh* I'm not gonna get any sleep soon..


Weed Modifier
That's what I told him lol I want lime to go bigger with his grow but he's stubborn
It's the Ukrainian side I think? lol

Well if i can continue doing it the way i am , when i do go bigger i'll still do it the same style/techniques and then we will see what i'm capable of??? lol


New Member
as you get better it gets easier
i always cared just always got caught up in the troll drama here
got a different outlook
dont get me wrong i will still mess with a troll but got to stay focused

yah i was happy with it too! i keep gettin more each round! but im not doing anything more! actually doing less? im starting to figure it out, see im trying the Less is More Theory...seems to be working so far! Thanks man, as noone ever says to much about what im doing?.... i don't compare to see what other get(150)... cuz it's like golf! just me and my game...sos


Well-Known Member
It's the Ukrainian side I think? lol

Well if i can continue doing it the way i am , when i do go bigger i'll still do it the same style/techniques and then we will see what i'm capable of??? lol
Oh I know your capable of good things :) you've helped me a ton and you seen my at the worst helped me get them better and I've seen plenty of your girls to know...


Well-Known Member
That's what friends do!..... Grizz of course i've been there :-P always will!

Yes your the only one who has seen em you of all people would :weed:

:leaf:Thanks Rene :leaf::hug:
Awe well you don't know how much I appreciate it! I needed to get my grow up and running..and yeah I've seen yours and tired to get ya to share them cuz ya should!


Well-Known Member
im one state up from u
yeah man we talked about it a while back, i remember :-P and Docs in japan huh, good for him. its gotta be a good feeling to be able to drop your stuff to go around the world and help others.
good job lime on your harvest with the 150. If i can get that with my 400 ill be stoaked haha


Well-Known Member
yeah man we talked about it a while back, i remember :-P and Docs in japan huh, good for him. its gotta be a good feeling to be able to drop your stuff to go around the world and help others.
good job lime on your harvest with the 150. If i can get that with my 400 ill be stoaked haha
Haha don't get me started about states and mj laws they are bs taxing despensiaries but saying its illegal and convicting people..and yeah lime did great on the screen who wants to see I have pics but I can't post them unless lime will stop being stubborn and post one....


New Member
he even left his grow but his wife is trying to care for them
and he has nothing to smoke on in japan

yeah man we talked about it a while back, i remember :-P and Docs in japan huh, good for him. its gotta be a good feeling to be able to drop your stuff to go around the world and help others.
good job lime on your harvest with the 150. If i can get that with my 400 ill be stoaked haha


Well-Known Member
my buddy is a scent dog trainer and hes in japan right now helping where he can, and he said it was no problem at all finding some smoke over there lol


Weed Modifier
Grrr see how ya are ya really think I'm gonna give up? Haha haven't ya learned I'm persistent? And as far as doc I'm sure he will be able to figure something out or I hope so anyway...
idk? lol we will see...

im sure doc will get some from somewhere? ganja gods have a way of helping those who help others ;)


Well-Known Member
idk? lol we will see...

im sure doc will get some from somewhere? ganja gods have a way of helping those who help others ;)
Haha ya realize I'm gonna get your pics posted one way or another ;) and yay just got a pm from doc been busy busy he says now where's that guy at so we can all chat....


Well-Known Member
Haha ya realize I'm gonna get your pics posted one way or another ;) and yay just got a pm from doc been busy busy he says now where's that guy at so we can all chat....
Good morning peeps! I guess it's evening or late afternoon for most of ya. lol! The ganja gods haven't smiled on me yet. I'm keeping busy and not too focused on it though. The devastation here in some places is mind blowing. How's everyone today?:weed:


Well-Known Member
Good morning peeps! I guess it's evening or late afternoon for most of ya. lol! The ganja gods haven't smiled on me yet. I'm keeping busy and not too focused on it though. The devastation here in some places is mind blowing. How's everyone today?:weed:
Hey doc I'm great having a wonderful day! My ladies were so kind the girl I don't like quit and I got more hrs at my 3rd job so yay! sucks the ganja gods haven't blessed ya glad ya stopped in!


New Member
hey doc im doing good i heard the said tokyo's water supply is contaminated
dont drink anything but bottle ok or just drink beer to be safe

Good morning peeps! I guess it's evening or late afternoon for most of ya. lol! The ganja gods haven't smiled on me yet. I'm keeping busy and not too focused on it though. The devastation here in some places is mind blowing. How's everyone today?:weed: