Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
miracle gro isnt shitty bro,ffof is
Alright kid your starting to irritate me now I hate repetition you have said it enough :wall: you think is shit I don't like mg please stop going back to this mg vs ffof shit last time I will say it you must find what yours for YOU! Your all being warned next person to knock ffof on my thread again is gonna see grizz! You don't get on someones thread and keep bashing what they use fuck moving on please!


Well-Known Member
Alright kid your starting to irritate me now I hate repetition you have said it enough :wall: you think is shit I don't like mg please stop going back to this mg vs ffof shit last time I will say it you must find what yours for YOU! Your all being warned next person to knock ffof on my thread again is gonna see grizz! You don't get on someones thread and keep bashing what they use fuck moving on please!
dude its just fucking dirt,ur making a big deal trying to get attention over dirt, so low.


Well-Known Member
dude its just fucking dirt,ur making a big deal trying to get attention over dirt, so low.
No man its called I have OCD and hearing the same shit again and again drives me fucking nuts! The was a reason I asked it was stopped and having to keep reading it is getting to me :finger: who the hell you think you are to insult me


Moderatrix of Journals
hey rene, you ever tried growing in 2 peg lego blocks? or tiddlywinks? i use a 50/50 mix and i SWEAR BY IT.


Well-Known Member
hey rene, you ever tried growing in 2 peg lego blocks? or tiddlywinks? i use a 50/50 mix and i SWEAR BY IT.
Haha no I haven't but I am growing in 18gal totes with a ffof and coco 50/50 mix and have odd plans for planters and growing! I'm gonna do some crazy shit and grow doing random things I have tons of ideas! Haha any ideas kitty I'm up for the challenge! Its not the tools that you have that matter its positive thinking mostly! See kitty you started a ramble lol oh on a side note kitty I did make holes to mount my fan with a hatchet screw and cork screw was interesting ;)


Well-Known Member
I guess......?
yeah dude for real, wtf? were the only people on this forum that make it a point to help people..
believe thats how we met and gave you our advice..which you +rep me for earlier dude for saving your plants
but with low blows and attitudes like that our group would not work and your plants would have been dead.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude for real, wtf? were the only people on this forum that make it a point to help people..
believe thats how we met and gave you our advice..which you +rep me for earlier dude for saving your plants
but with low blows and attitudes like that our group would not work and your plants would have been dead.
Hey ncg no worries man just trying to keep the thread somewhat on track people have complained grow info gets lost fast..this is why I invited everyone to my rambles back to growing how's yours going buddy?


Well-Known Member
Hey ncg no worries man just trying to keep the thread somewhat on track people have complained grow info gets lost fast..this is why I invited everyone to my rambles back to growing how's yours going buddy?
I hear ya dude...

My grow is going ok i guess, nothing to much has happend so far. I have 6/7 sprouts and they seem to be doing pretty good. 1st sets of leaves are in on some of them and there staying really low so thats good. My plan is to just veg these untill my new cab is done and then i can throw them right into flower in there. instead of waiting and starting from seed in there ya know...just saves some veg time!!! if you check my thread in my sig i posted all the final specs for the new cab dude. lemme know whacha thank!

when you get some chill time man, lets see some pics of the ladies :lol: im about to pass out dude but if you email me some i can get em up in the morning. then again with the time difference some of yuo guys are still posting when im waking up haha.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude for real, wtf? were the only people on this forum that make it a point to help people..
believe thats how we met and gave you our advice..which you +rep me for earlier dude for saving your plants
but with low blows and attitudes like that our group would not work and your plants would have been dead.
dude u should be talking like tthat,to that thing rene. i dont got an attitude bro if u read she started all this bs.


New Member
hey NCG how old was that one u posted

Hey ncg no worries man just trying to keep the thread somewhat on track people have complained grow info gets lost fast..this is why I invited everyone to my rambles back to growing how's yours going buddy?


Well-Known Member
Haha kitty that's awesome just get the kid to do it again and show ya how :lol: and ncg I will definitely get pics I've done a bit to them recently including dropped the light on kloe broke a few branches well more like supercropped so figured fuck it did the last couple eh I like to mess with shit everyone knows that!


New Member
we are on the same time zone and i will get some close ups if u can wait or if not tomm

I hear ya dude...

My grow is going ok i guess, nothing to much has happend so far. I have 6/7 sprouts and they seem to be doing pretty good. 1st sets of leaves are in on some of them and there staying really low so thats good. My plan is to just veg these untill my new cab is done and then i can throw them right into flower in there. instead of waiting and starting from seed in there ya know...just saves some veg time!!! if you check my thread in my sig i posted all the final specs for the new cab dude. lemme know whacha thank!

when you get some chill time man, lets see some pics of the ladies :lol: im about to pass out dude but if you email me some i can get em up in the morning. then again with the time difference some of yuo guys are still posting when im waking up haha.


Well-Known Member
So after my first grow i learned a lot and decided to use what i learned to experiment further with this grow..i experimented with breeding in my first grow and am now growing mostly my own mad scientist strain! everything is different this round....

lights-48" 4panel t5, 48" it12, 24" t5, 150w mh (not currently using mh needs rewired)

im using a mixture of ffof and coco with ff grow big and earth juice ph down, as well as neem oil..

im experimenting a lot with this grow so any advice and suggestions would be time to introduce the family.....

ok so this is maria she was a bagseed from some good indica. I started her on 12/12 from seed just to see what it was like didnt like it so put her in ya can see she was doing great then i neglected her and i killed her almost the last 4 pics are what she looked like after the neglet and what she look like now...she got down to 5 leaves but somehow i managed to save her.....
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most of these plants are falling down and look all down. gotta fix that. they dont look healthy,they are streached.


Well-Known Member
most of these plants are falling down and look all down. gotta fix that. they dont look healthy,they are streached.
Lmao dude learn to read! First of all that is just one plant maria she was part of my first grow I tried to kill her its the bitch that won't die! She was meant to stretch at the beginning to start my lst and after was bushy as hell as the pics show ;) tried to kill her again decided to bring her back she is now 15"across 12" wide problems been fixed haha anything else kid?