Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
Roflmao nice ncg ya know there are better ways than to go through all that..I know what I'll be sending you and the wife :D
lmfao, my wifes like 5'0 and 110lbs and im 6'1 250...shes always down for the rough stuff. :lol:
but were always down for new ideas!!!!! :wink: hahahaha
send away!!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow you guys are dirty and my plant wont stop growing i think i might be in trouble:-( One is already through my screen and a couple more are right up to it and the rest are not to far behind:-(bahhhhhhhh booooooo im not happy right now....


Well-Known Member
Ggggrrr! Fuck I'm pissed off! Don't yall just hate stupid people! On sunday I took my little bag out to brush my teeth also had peroxide and liquid skin in the bag, so my coworker put it up somewhere and then left and I couldn't find it anywhere (pissed me off then cuz I didn't get to brush my teeth) I looked everywhere at the end of the shift said fuck it wrote a huge note if you fin this bag with these items they are mine please do not use on residents and put it up till I return.. I come back ask my aunt if she seen it and she tells me where it is well my tooth brush was used on one my clients and I've been really sick so fucking great job geniuses because they just fucking exposed one my gals :wall: they used all my tooth paste and I'm picky only use a particular kind my peroxide is gone so is the liquid skin an floss.... Grrr I hate fucking idiots I know who it was too and I'm done :fire:


Well-Known Member
Ok im gonna re frame from getting into this ya'll gonna bring out the freak in me hmmmm yup freaks out hahahahahah


Well-Known Member
Ggggrrr! Fuck I'm pissed off! Don't yall just hate stupid people! On sunday I took my little bag out to brush my teeth also had peroxide and liquid skin in the bag, so my coworker put it up somewhere and then left and I couldn't find it anywhere (pissed me off then cuz I didn't get to brush my teeth) I looked everywhere at the end of the shift said fuck it wrote a huge note if you fin this bag with these items they are mine please do not use on residents and put it up till I return.. I come back ask my aunt if she seen it and she tells me where it is well my tooth brush was used on one my clients and I've been really sick so fucking great job geniuses because they just fucking exposed one my gals :wall: they used all my tooth paste and I'm picky only use a particular kind my peroxide is gone so is the liquid skin an floss.... Grrr I hate fucking idiots I know who it was too and I'm done :fire:
Yeah i dont like people touching my shit neither get em Rene when they least expect it;-)


Well-Known Member
Im gonna go back to uploading and sit on my hands just so im not tempted to reply ahahahahahahah
Lmao oh come on do join in the rambles ya know ya want to ;) I always think of ncg when I listen to bruno mars the lazy song.. Tomorrow I'll wake up do some p90x meet a really nice girl have some really nice sex.. lol but he has the wife :lol:


Active Member
Ggggrrr! Fuck I'm pissed off! Don't yall just hate stupid people! On sunday I took my little bag out to brush my teeth also had peroxide and liquid skin in the bag, so my coworker put it up somewhere and then left and I couldn't find it anywhere (pissed me off then cuz I didn't get to brush my teeth) I looked everywhere at the end of the shift said fuck it wrote a huge note if you fin this bag with these items they are mine please do not use on residents and put it up till I return.. I come back ask my aunt if she seen it and she tells me where it is well my tooth brush was used on one my clients and I've been really sick so fucking great job geniuses because they just fucking exposed one my gals :wall: they used all my tooth paste and I'm picky only use a particular kind my peroxide is gone so is the liquid skin an floss.... Grrr I hate fucking idiots I know who it was too and I'm done :fire:
Sorry that you have to deal with this. Is the person that let one of your clients use your toothbrush retarde or something? Bad enough they used up or took your other stuff, but please. A toothbrush is a personal item, and why would anyone even think it was a good idea to do so.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i dont like people touching my shit neither get em Rene when they least expect it;-)
Its not that they touched my stuff its that they brushed one my residents teeth with it when I have been sick I've had brocitus that can kill my little ladies! Plus it was marked with my name so :dunce: shouldn't have done that I'm worried about my residents now :(


Well-Known Member
Sorry that you have to deal with this. Is the person that let one of your clients use your toothbrush retarde or something? Bad enough they used up or took your other stuff, but please. A toothbrush is a personal item, and why would anyone even think it was a good idea to do so.
*sigh* well the gentleman is in his 50 very sweet does well with the people but he can't multi task he keeps marking up the clients clothes with huge writing rather than looking at the tags where the names are! Won't hang the clothes mixes clients personal belonging and its all labeled its frustrating because the man gets better treatment then me because I'm 20 and he's in his 50 and a dr of theology doesn't mean shit! He can't handle the tasks so imo he needs to go... I'm extremely strict you wouldn't believe what I've seen go on in this field just grinds my gears.. sos


New Member
*sigh* well the gentleman is in his 50 very sweet does well with the people but he can't multi task he keeps marking up the clients clothes with huge writing rather than looking at the tags where the names are! Won't hang the clothes mixes clients personal belonging and its all labeled its frustrating because the man gets better treatment then me because I'm 20 and he's in his 50 and a dr of theology doesn't mean shit! He can't handle the tasks so imo he needs to go... I'm extremely strict you wouldn't believe what I've seen go on in this field just grinds my gears.. sos
Well I am almost 50 and disabled but man I would blow your "making it rain rainbows since the 80's":shock:



Pickle Queen
some people don't think, i walked in the bathroom and a guy i was dating a few months was using my toothbrush, i was not happy, he did not last lol
My current man uses all my stuff and it drives me nuts! I don't buy tweezers to find him picking at his toes, seriosuly i don't want athletes foot on my eye brows, or my makeup brushes , he cleans he nails with my 20$ brushes because he's lazy. My 30$ lush toner, i found him cleaning grease off his face with, before he even tried water!!! he used 20 makeup pads and 1/4 my bottle. I gave up on buying expensive shampoo or conditioner because he thinks its soap and body wash. Men are like children sometimes, i've tried explaining to him that he does not know the value of a dollar, he's the type that will eat all the treats i buy when doing groceries in about 2 days, pisses me off to know end, even smokes and weed, i've talked, bitched and yelled many times but it's like talking to a 6 yr old that wants what he wants.
I think i need a bong, or i'm pms'ing cause i'm feeling fiesty


Active Member
April, I speak in all respectfulness. If you can afford to even consider, let alone actually do, spending that much money on hair and face products, what's the big deal? My shampoo and conditioner cost $5.00 a piece. My face was is pretty expensive, though. That costs $7.29.


Well-Known Member
April, I speak in all respectfulness. If you can afford to even consider, let alone actually do, spending that much money on hair and face products, what's the big deal? My shampoo and conditioner cost $5.00 a piece. My face was is pretty expensive, though. That costs $7.29.

Could you be any more perfect you hubby is one lucky man!
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