Renes Random Rambles!

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Pickle Queen
?one is she single
and #2 is she 420 friendly
NO (ewww lol) and hell no, to her weed is heroin and i'm a crack head lmfao
I smoked weed in th garage until i was 20, then she found a bong and assumed it was for crack, she has never even seen weed, does not drink, gamble blah blah blah, real snobby, her nose is so turned up she could drown if the rain, i love her but i don't have to like her or her selfish choices, she even goes to church because everyone else in her yuppy neighbourhood does, i never went to church, so i made a choice to move an hour away and live MY life, not the one my mother wants for me, i aint no city girl


New Member
well one day i will find the right one :cry:

NO (ewww lol) and hell no, to her weed is heroin and i'm a crack head lmfao
I smoked weed in th garage until i was 20, then she found a bong and assumed it was for crack, she has never even seen weed, does not drink, gamble blah blah blah, real snobby, her nose is so turned up she could drown if the rain, i love her but i don't have to like her or her selfish choices, she even goes to church because everyone else in her yuppy neighbourhood does, i never went to church, so i made a choice to move an hour away and live MY life, not the one my mother wants for me, i aint no city girl


Well-Known Member
NO (ewww lol) and hell no, to her weed is heroin and i'm a crack head lmfao
I smoked weed in th garage until i was 20, then she found a bong and assumed it was for crack, she has never even seen weed, does not drink, gamble blah blah blah, real snobby, her nose is so turned up she could drown if the rain, i love her but i don't have to like her or her selfish choices, she even goes to church because everyone else in her yuppy neighbourhood does, i never went to church, so i made a choice to move an hour away and live MY life, not the one my mother wants for me, i aint no city girl
I'm DEF a city guy. Bugs me when ANY store closes....Since in my city, things don't close...EVER.
And religion has always been a "I'm more holy then thou" bunch of bullshit! I'm lucky as hell that my parents decided not to have me baptized or make me attend ANY church. They decided to let me grow up and make my own decisions. Which they regret now, since I have even less use for religion when I do for Spider Mites. (and who the fuck has a USE for spider mites??? ;-))


Pickle Queen
I see a half full bag, well half full corner, well did i'm guessing it's gone now, sorry i'm slow, damn i need bong power!!!!

Oh so u wanna play tag team fabfun?? lol
Trolls don't harass me anymore, they can't handle my love bomb, i destroy them with compassion and cuddly comments, confusing the shit right out of them, flirting is the icing on the cake, then they just get all horned up


Pickle Queen
Haha more like she hasn't eaten but some crackers in few days haha couldn't even smoke till had something to eat! Headed to smoke now :bigjoint:
aww Muffin, remember to take care of yourself while taking care of others, crakers are for birds and skinny girls with body image issues


Well-Known Member
aww Muffin, remember to take care of yourself while taking care of others, crakers are for birds and skinny girls with body image issues
Haha I just need better smoke girl that's all! Haven't been feeling well and sometime I just can't even eat no matter how much I smoke! Ok that it I think I'm cutting a sample of sam and kloe...


Well-Known Member
that would be nice and thats a good price
Somehow I can always talk my connects into giving me 2 grams for 30 bucks, or WHATEVER i'm buying. But since he had some strawberry that was a little dry, he was giving me like 2.5-2.7 of half hindu kush, and half strawberry cough.
I love smoking different strains, it makes me happy. :-D


Well-Known Member
Haha I just need better smoke girl that's all! Haven't been feeling well and sometime I just can't even eat no matter how much I smoke! Ok that it I think I'm cutting a sample of sam and kloe...
I know EXACTLY what you mean...I haven't eaten much either. 1 pack of ramen noodles in about 48 hours...
Being sick sucks...(still!!)
But I'm sure i'm being a big baby. Although of the 3 people who live in my house (family), were ALL sick, but I was still the one who made them dinner, went to the store for Popsicles, and meds, and now I have to drive to get my "other" meds....but the last one i'm fine with. ;-)
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