Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
Swimsuits can be a one piece for women is that enough material...and men shorts got lots of space for images .....yes those are very good ideas i was just throwing some at you too!!! this is how it all begins with thought!!! and you are doing it and im proud that you are finding inspiration for your ideas ...has to start somewhere and an idea comes from thinking getting high and throwing shit out there!!!

well....... are you talking to melime73....or all??? who? see now im flattered and confused??? lol uummm shit i don't know what to say.....dammit!
Thanks lime :) I am glad other people are helping me out with ideas because as I've said not about what I want but what people would want! The hardest part is I can't draw!! So many designs in my mind and no way to put them on paper my sis was supposed to help me there but she said she hasn't done anything because noting has inspired her? Wtf some these ideas are hers and anyways not what she want she is suppose to just draw for now get the ideas on paper go from there! Anyway io think I may have to cut sis as the artist for the designs she can be useful in other ways but when it comes to work like that she's drags her feet....anyway about the designs what about product not clothing?? Any ideas there?


Weed Modifier
Thanks lime :) I am glad other people are helping me out with ideas because as I've said not about what I want but what people would want! The hardest part is I can't draw!! So many designs in my mind and no way to put them on paper my sis was supposed to help me there but she said she hasn't done anything because noting has inspired her? Wtf some these ideas are hers and anyways not what she want she is suppose to just draw for now get the ideas on paper go from there! Anyway io think I may have to cut sis as the artist for the designs she can be useful in other ways but when it comes to work like that she's drags her feet....anyway about the designs what about product not clothing?? Any ideas there?
so is this a one way convo???
i know how to draw a bit ....not the fastest though i take to long! ha i could think of a few ideas over a few bowls...with some minor convincing? lol


Well-Known Member
so is this a one way convo???
i know how to draw a bit ....not the fastest though i take to long! ha i could think of a few ideas over a few bowls...with some minor convincing? lol
Well doesn't matter that it takes time to draw things what matters is its started lol and I am full of ideas you should make a few designs for me the fact that one day your drawings could be used for some kick ass gear should be all the motivation you need ;)


Well-Known Member
So get this I'm sitting here smoking and sisters bf tells me you have to see this they have a word search and in the middle is pot and since pot isn't on the list they looked at all the words that connect to it which are help control the event pot! Fucked up its like subliminal messing!


Weed Modifier
Wtf is wrong with women.....ive been single for about a year now and she(ex gf)is still trying to talk with me told her to f off and never want to speak with her again( putting it lightly)then a year later want to talk...doesn't make any sense to me...telling me she is sorry !!! fuck that! why...she don't know me "Lime" ive changed in so many ways its not even funny im a new person and ive told her not to contact me but still continues...and to boot uses her kid to get to me!!! wtf...thats low....but if you are not with someone for over a year why try...its a little weird cuz i do not talk to her and dont write back or nothing...she is outta my life and im moving on now ... so what is the point...ive told her many times not to contact me but no...still trying and what does it take for someone to get it!!!! when you tell someone to fuck off never to speak to you you'd think they would get the picture? aaaahhhh had too!!!


Wtf is wrong with women.....ive been single for about a year now and she(ex gf)is still trying to talk with me told her to f off and never want to speak with her again( putting it lightly)then a year later want to talk...doesn't make any sense to me...telling me she is sorry !!! fuck that! why...she don't know me "Lime" ive changed in so many ways its not even funny im a new person and ive told her not to contact me but still continues...and to boot uses her kid to get to me!!! wtf...thats low....but if you are not with someone for over a year why try...its a little weird cuz i do not talk to her and dont write back or nothing...she is outta my life and im moving on now ... so what is the point...ive told her many times not to contact me but no...still trying and what does it take for someone to get it!!!! when you tell someone to fuck off never to speak to you you'd think they would get the picture? aaaahhhh had too!!!

there was a time in our relationship that the wife and I were broke up for years, and I fucking 'hated' her...... I was the one that had the revelation, now we've been married for 5yrs, building our 3rd child now, and I couldnt imagine life without her..... just sayin life's weird bro.


New Member
when u figure out what is wrong with them let me know i been trying to figure it out for 30 years and still have no clue

but it maybe that she sees she was wrong to u and regrets the choices she made and if u are still angry at her or whatever it means she still means something to you or u would have let go all feelings

Wtf is wrong with women.....ive been single for about a year now and she(ex gf)is still trying to talk with me told her to f off and never want to speak with her again( putting it lightly)then a year later want to talk...doesn't make any sense to me...telling me she is sorry !!! fuck that! why...she don't know me "Lime" ive changed in so many ways its not even funny im a new person and ive told her not to contact me but still continues...and to boot uses her kid to get to me!!! wtf...thats low....but if you are not with someone for over a year why try...its a little weird cuz i do not talk to her and dont write back or nothing...she is outta my life and im moving on now ... so what is the point...ive told her many times not to contact me but no...still trying and what does it take for someone to get it!!!! when you tell someone to fuck off never to speak to you you'd think they would get the picture? aaaahhhh had too!!!


when u figure out what is wrong with them let me know i been trying to figure it out for 30 years and still have no clue

but it maybe that she sees she was wrong to u and regrets the choices she made and if u are still angry at her or whatever it means she still means something to you or u would have let go all feelings
one thing I've learned about relationships is that the blame NEVER lies on just one person's shoulders.... not completely.


New Member
so true when i hear a girl i met say how her ex did this and that and never says she did anything wrong i run like hell

i fell for that shit one time and got burned as i found out it wasnt the exes that was all problem it was her mostly

one thing I've learned about relationships is that the blame NEVER lies on just one person's shoulders.... not completely.


Well-Known Member
Wow I missed some rambles here! Ok I don't agree entirely with all this seems to me like her problem is that she is realizing what she had more than likely does feel bad..I'm much the same but I know I can be a bitch and I'm the one who usually ends shit so I try to stay on good terms and have been friend with most my exs for years and talk to a few every now and again..its true its never one persons fault but we tend to place blame anywhere but on ourselves its human nature..what's important is realizing and learning from things and sounds like lime has..I disagree that to still be angry means there is feelings I can be frustrating when one moves one and the other doesn't! And its not just women my ex tried telling me I still have feelings and am not over him I lmao at him because he is the one still sending me messages saying he misses me! I told him to get the fuck over himself some get it some just don't!


Well-Known Member
So time for some more rambles :) just been thinking a lot today more curiosity getting the better of me rather than thinking..anyways I was wondering... think most here have been asked for seeds..but what is the most random question or thing you have been asked for? I've had some odd ones my favorite was money for sex which I'd never do but it made me laugh..*shakes head* some peoples riu anyone had some crazy offer/request??I'd love to hear!


So time for some more rambles :) just been thinking a lot today more curiosity getting the better of me rather than thinking..anyways I was wondering... think most here have been asked for seeds..but what is the most random question or thing you have been asked for? I've had some odd ones my favorite was money for sex which I'd never do but it made me laugh..*shakes head* some peoples riu anyone had some crazy offer/request??I'd love to hear!
I'd put it down to what I've actually went for...... address/name for 'christmas help', or the one I sent my info to to buy me soil/nutes..... one came out good, one came out to nothing but a friend to talk to..... other than that, I tend to use my head/gut with the random offers that happen to come around......... damn sure wish I'd get offered money for sex though :)


Well-Known Member
I'd put it down to what I've actually went for...... address/name for 'christmas help', or the one I sent my info to to buy me soil/nutes..... one came out good, one came out to nothing but a friend to talk to..... other than that, I tend to use my head/gut with the random offers that happen to come around......... damn sure wish I'd get offered money for sex though :)
Lmao well its not that odd you got asked for your name and address not to me anyway ;) and yeah well I've been asked a few times I don't know weather to be offended or flattered lol guess itd have to depend on the person...haha how's it going today gogrow?


New Member
Lmao well its not that odd you got asked for your name and address not to me anyway ;) and yeah well I've been asked a few times I don't know weather to be offended or flattered lol guess itd have to depend on the person...haha how's it going today gogrow?
What is your name and address?


New Member
Haha gogrow already has that info :) as well as a few others so not that weird but is when someone I never talked to should have expected someone to ask..
It's not weird that I just inherited $10,000 and all I need is your help with wiring it from my bank in Bangladesh.
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