Rent house garage grow 1st time


Active Member
Were currently renting a house and I can legally grow it in Oklahoma. My landlord is a cousin and I’m not overly concerned about them finding out about it. I’ve decided with the space in our garage available (it’s the only place besides the attic) a 3x3 tent will be all I have room for. I’ve been lurking on these forums for quite some time and now that I’m about to order the stuff needed to get this going I keep questioning the air circulation.

In my garage I have a door to go inside the house, door going outside, and the garage windows. Once my tent is set up the filter and exhaust fan will be hanging from the top.

My question is where should I point the exhaust duct? The wife does come out to the garage and opens the back door up to smoke on the back porch so the door does get opened many times a day. I’m concerned not being able to vent it outside will end up hurting the plants?
Will this end up bad?
Does leaving the back door cracked or garage door cracked make any difference?

Thanks guys
I'd just put a wall vent in to get the heat outside. How hot does the garage get in the summer? I agree with @Observe & Report that you may need some AC in there.
any recommendations on some sort of floor ac unit?

The only time I’m somewhat worried about is in the hot summer. Got a radiator style heater in the garage and I can keep it consistently warm.
If you have screen vents near where the wall meets the floor in the garage you can run your exhaust like that for the warm days, during the cold days you can vent it back in your garage so you wouldn't really need to run a heater. If your garage gets really hot during the summer you can still vent into the garage, but I would use a portable AC unit to cool your garage down and vent the hot air from the AC unit outside. I use the radiator heater when my lights are off during the winter to keep my garage between 68°-71°F. Good luck and Happy growing
I tried this back in the day and let me tell you, those dual hose portal ac units draw 1400w of power. If it gets hot in that garage during the summer months it will never turn off. It had a hard time cooling a smaller space than your garage. My monthly electric bill was outrages combined with a 400w hps. If your gonna do it, grow autos and do it now while its still cold, come summer it wont be worth it I assure you. You will spend more on electricity than you would have just buying the bud. I am not saying this to talk you out of it, I am just saying this as a caution. I have been down that road and my god I almost fainted when I saw the first months bill and my electric cost is only $.12 a KW. The dam thing just never shut off. If you can tuck the 3x3 inside your house you are much much much better off. If you insulate the garage for cheap, than thats a whole different ballgame. I wish you luck.
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You are thinking of doing exactly what I do except I’m in Canada and my garage only gets above 20 c for a month or 2. It is 15 c the rest of the year in my garage. I’ve never vented outside just because the additional heat is welcome. I vent directly out roof of tent. c02 levels depleting in your garage won’t be a concern in a 3x3 tent I don’t think especially if your wife is opening door daily. But yes I will run into problems during July every time simply because my air extraction is too weak for the hotter ambient air. Indoor air has almost double the c02 naturally in it. But my light is only a 200 watt so its really not much heat.
My exhaust is fed into the garage, not outside or too another room, and it's not caused any apparent harm. I think that as long as fresh air is getting into the area containing the tent, you're ok. For example, I leave a window open that's not even necessarily close to my intake and I've not had any issues. As long as fresh Co2 is getting into the room you'll be just fine. I know that one huge reason that people vent outside/other rooms is because heat is an issue. As harley said, running at night helps a lot. Really helps balance out your temps.
Thanks guys. I will be ordering my stuff soon. I’m thinking a 2x4 is going to work better for me given my space available.
Get a good carbon filter, since this is a rental . . .I would fabricate a way to exhaust out of a soffit vent in the garage. Purchase a duct muffler to go on your exhaust. Trust me, they work wonders and no one will be hearing the air whistle out of that vent.
Agree with exhausting out of the building. We don't notice the smell like someone who doesn't grow does. Best to prevent possible issues.
I just bought an Ipower carbon filter. Heavy as hell and working great so far . . . Hit me up in a couple months for a real review. My previous 10 filters we're Phresh. Ipower was half the cost.
Can’t get a pic to post but looking at either mars hydro reflecter 144 800w or mars pro 2 epistar 160 800w. Both the mars hydro website. What do you think is better for 2x4?

I would (and I assume most others would agree) recommend quantum boards, strips, and cobs if you really decide to go led, over the blurples.

It can be a little pricey but those will be actually good, efficient, long lasting leds and not some cheaply built, over driven, crappy diodes like basically all of those blurple leds.
Not to say you cant grow with them if you really wanted to but I think for around that price that a 3100k cmh would be a more efficent use of your money.
It would veg and flower, 80-90 CRI, full spectrum with UV, cover a 2x4 nicely, but with a touch more heat than a good led. Less cost than a quality led, (200 bucks give or take) with efficiency somewhere between a hps and a quality led.

If it were me and I was really set on going led in that size space, I personally would probably run a diy strip build if i was feeling handy or a 2-3 quantum board kit if I wanted a quick, simple build. Lots of diy builds for the leds on the site/google and will save you some cash at the expense of you doing the labor to build it.

Just my $.02. Best of luck to ya sir.
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To those new to legal growing in any way - control the odor! In Colorado, Washington and Alaska ODOR CONTROL is a part of the regulations. In eastern Washington one county voted to ban cannabis operations based mainly on objections to the odor. What we love is not a universal thing.

Borough meetings from Fairbanks are broadcast. All cannabis businesses must get a permit so that is brought before the council. Public statements live at the microphone.

Read this in your reddest redneck voice.

"I have to object to anymore of these places. Why last summer we wuz ahavin' a picnic in the yard and friends was agittin' sick to their stomachs from the smell. Why it was like someone went and run over a pack of dadgummed skunks it did."

You can be cited and have to appear in court.
I just bought an Ipower carbon filter. Heavy as hell and working great so far . . . Hit me up in a couple months for a real review. My previous 10 filters we're Phresh. Ipower was half the cost.

Ipower is pretty ok. It's the HPS bulbs I am using because I was too broke to buy Hortilux this time around. I have an Ipower bowl trimmer. I will NEVER trim bud by hand again.

My brother had an Ipower digital ballast, and it was as good as any. I've seen the lumateks and phantoms working, I couldn't tell the difference.

I think OP should look into Viparspectra. A little higher, but they are supposed to be better. I've never used LEDs, personally, but I think it would be a good idea to not go for the cheap ones, from what I've read and watched on youtube.
Ipower is pretty ok. It's the HPS bulbs I am using because I was too broke to buy Hortilux this time around. I have an Ipower bowl trimmer. I will NEVER trim bud by hand again.

My brother had an Ipower digital ballast, and it was as good as any. I've seen the lumateks and phantoms working, I couldn't tell the difference.

I think OP should look into Viparspectra. A little higher, but they are supposed to be better. I've never used LEDs, personally, but I think it would be a good idea to not go for the cheap ones, from what I've read and watched on youtube.
I run iPower ballasts for 400 and 600 watts. The 400 has been with me since 2014. Better bulbs are available but the originals are not bad. No problems. Both are dimmable.