renting a property with a barn.


Active Member
I just rented a property with a large yard and a 6 car barn in back. The landlord seems okay. I lied about having a job and stuff.
He rented me the property cheqp cuz i told him i would do some work like paint and re tile the kitchen. Any advice for me? I am doing this tottaly illegal and i dont want to get caught but this is the only way i am going to be able to get money so i can build wealth opening strip clubs or bars or construction businesses.
how many lights you running? you'll def need to invest in 1 or more carbon scrubbers and ONA. I'd also use an ozone generator. good luck


Well-Known Member
Your seeming abit of a dreamer lol using drug money to open strip watched to many films by the sounds of it.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I would say open up the strip club first. Try to find a wife via one of the strippers. Let her keep stripping turning a few tricks a couple times a week and u should be able to gain the wealth needed for a 6 car garage grow that is totally illegal. And u never know is your new wife turns enough tricks u may not need the grow. Hope this helps. Good luck.


Active Member
I would really recommend going with a nice grow tent. I use them and they are the fucking shit! It is not so incredibly obvious as being out in the open.


Well-Known Member
My advice - do everything you told the land lord you would do, and much more and do your best job at it

Happy land lords that are paid on time , will usually be more leinent and not so noiseey

- Get a real job ASAP , anything is better than nothing even if it;s just minimum wage job to keep employment gaps off your resume . Besides if you ever get busted for drug related offensive it helps by looking like you are a regular working joe just falling on hard times


sound's solid! Next step would be, a new srt challenger in the driveway, and if garage is 6 car I sugest getting a methamphetamine lab up and running asap. Throw some underage booze party's also so you get familiar with the neighbor's. Your stripper's could also sling that shit at their work for you. Sound's like you have invested some real thought into this guaranteed trip to prison. Oh yeah' almost forgot, gfet as many gun's as fast as you can and place them stratigicaly around the house. good luck!~


Well-Known Member
See being a landlord isn't all sunshine and rainbows!!! Fuck really dude. There's a whole big world out there to make your seed money, pardon the pun. Get the fuck outside and plant 50 or 60 and be done with it. Its seems like that would be your best option at this point. It takes money, skill, and a bit of intelligence to do a money making indoor grow. Good luck lol.

TN Jedeye

This is a thread chok full of quality funny. If this guy is for real then he has a whole world of disillusionment and, most likely, a nice stretch of time in prison ahead of him.


Well-Known Member
sound's solid! Next step would be, a new srt challenger in the driveway, and if garage is 6 car I sugest getting a methamphetamine lab up and running asap. Throw some underage booze party's also so you get familiar with the neighbor's. Your stripper's could also sling that shit at their work for you. Sound's like you have invested some real thought into this guaranteed trip to prison. Oh yeah' almost forgot, gfet as many gun's as fast as you can and place them stratigicaly around the house. good luck!~
Make sure the guns are loaded!


good point! don't forget the ammo! Maybe some security camara's also.make sure to black out all window' no trespassing sign's" STAY OUT! TOP SECRET CLANDESTINE ILLEAGAL GROW-OP INSIDE"

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i think it sounds great that you have a 6 car garage to grow in. still laughing at the comment about getting a tent. a huge 6 car garage and grow in a tent. a big tent maybe.

not sure about making enough money from it to open a club or something, but good luck.


Active Member
Yall are a bunch of pussies.i have a family member that did this same thing basicly and used the money to open a auto salvage yard.I have 20 acres of property and a clean record no way im going to jail. Evenif i did go to jail its totally woth the million a year i will be Pulling in with my 20 thosand watts.lifes too short not to go for broke faggots. Enjoy your bi weekly pay checks. Ps my friend just got out of fed lock up for growin 350 plants, he was gone for a year big fucking deal. I will take my chances.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
if you had the cash and wherewithall to start a 20k grow you wouldn't be here posting about it.

How much do you think it will cost to start this little venture??


New Member
I would really recommend going with a nice grow tent. I use them and they are the fucking shit! It is not so incredibly obvious as being out in the open.
Ya like your gonna make any money using a tent!

Yall are a bunch of pussies.i have a family member that did this same thing basicly and used the money to open a auto salvage yard.I have 20 acres of property and a clean record no way im going to jail. Evenif i did go to jail its totally woth the million a year i will be Pulling in with my 20 thosand watts.lifes too short not to go for broke faggots. Enjoy your bi weekly pay checks. Ps my friend just got out of fed lock up for growin 350 plants, he was gone for a year big fucking deal. I will take my chances.
Rewards don't come without risk. Without a job I still can't figure out how your going to get $20k + to set up a room you are talking about?...JAS