+rep for whoever tells me what's likely wrong here.

I looked on here already https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/488004-guide-nutrient-deficiency-toxicity.html And I would assume Calcium/Magnesium but I have been giving it little bits of Cal/Mag+ mixed with the watering. The leaves are a little thin and the PH is a little low around 6.0-6.2. Do you think I need to raise the PH (what's your opinion on the best way to do this, because I already added Garden Lime) and then should I add nutrients along with Cal/Mag?

I know it doesn't look that bad but I'd rather get an opinion before it gets worse or I do anything stupid.


Well-Known Member
hey looks like you got it wet and put it under that hps light and it burnt it... any time moisture gets on the plant and its under hps it will burn it so spray after lights out or leave them to dry before putting them under the light.. plus nutrient solution will burn leaves.. plant looks ok besides the point.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like you need to be feeding it yet. I assume that is the PH of the soil, and it is in range. You can buy some PH up or I have heard that baking soda will raise the PH of your solution.

I think what you are seeing is possibly where there was standing water on the leaves and the light got magnified and burned them. What lighting are you using and how far away? Could be something else but the same thing happened to me and I am pretty sure that was the cause.


Well-Known Member
I have a chart I saved it from a previous post by someone helping me.
see attached.
Your plant looks like it shows two of the four characteristics listed for a Mag deficiency.

solution to mag def, 1 gram Epsom salts per gallon of water fed.

I learned this the hard way I was Lucky Qwizo stepped and gave me the solution in my case my plant was in flowering for more than 30 days before signs started.
The burnt leaves are still on my buds but the new growth is perfect.
I add one gram per every gallon I put in my resevoir.
Even when topping off the resevoir 1gr per Gal.

Just use a scale and add salts to hot water, once dissolved add the solution to your water then add your other foods if needed then PH the container.

If I was growing in soil (I'm growin in hydro)
I would keep two five gallon buckets of water side by side.
one stays water with a PH adjustment
the second would be the nutrient bucket including Epsom salts.
read your feeding schedule see how much your plant likes.
Start at 1/4 dose and work up to either a problem or the top of the schedule.
feed bucket 1 then wait till pot feels lighter by half then feed with bucket 2 and continue using this method to water. Misting under lights is bad in general the water magnifies the light and burn the leaf.
its even worse if Nutes are in the water then cooked on leaf.
Spray right after your lights go out if you want to foliar feed, lower temp means water will be absorbed not sweated off.
A PPM meter is a necessity for my hydro, maybe not everybody but I prefer to have the meter and be able to make exactly the food I want every time.



Well-Known Member
Watch those Fox Farms nutes because the feeding schedule is too strong in my opinion. I'd back it down to a minimum of 50% of the recommendation and maybe as low as 25%.

What he Said, FF is good, I use it but Never near the full strength as it always seems to get nute burn.

Great stuff, just figure out how much your plant likes during each stage of its life cycle.

I am at the end of flower and I am keeping my overall PPM under 450.

my 10 gallon water reservoir is 110 PPM then I add ES it goes up to 180 PPM,
then adding a SMALL qty Tiger bloom and an even
lower dose of Grow Big to get the proper dose for MY PLANT in its last weeks of Flower.


Well-Known Member
gatta love the people who just throws the whole +rep for help.. when in fact they don't even care if they get any help or give reps they just want to see what kinda shit they can start.. when a leaf gets any color other then green they want everyone to here to bitch back n forth and see what kinda shit they can start.. so on that note for anyone who ask for help and throws a plus rep around will not get shit from me.. it took other posters that helped to spread some reps.. thanks riu for the good people with knowledge and kind hearts to help dumb asses who think they know it all .. i hate stupidity ..
.. i hate stupidity ..
I also hate stupidity. I didn't give you rep because my plant is under a fucking blue LED light with no spraying going on and very few nutrients being given. It was a magnesium deficiency due to the soil I had... (I know this because after adding Magnesium into my water and PHing it to about 6.5 the plant is doing a lot better...)

So quit getting your panties in a bunch over rep. There ya go, take your precious rep and hop on out of here.


Well-Known Member
your a bullshit lying mf punk bitch. everyone knows the hps light you took the picture under.. only hps gives off the lines in the pic so i know what i am doing miss first time grower.. its bitches like you that stop people giving punk ass kids info on growing that we have learned over the years of growing..